Questions tagged [apx]

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16 votes
2 answers

Is APX contained in NP?

A problem P is said to be in APX if there exists some constant c > 0 such that a polynomial-time approximation algorithm exists for P with approximation factor 1 + c. APX contains PTAS (seen by ...
Andrew W.'s user avatar
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Is graph coloring complete for poly-APX?

Is the graph coloring problem complete for poly-APX under C-reductions (alternatively, under AP-reductions)? For the graph coloring problem, speaking of a feasible solution means a proper coloring for ...
Hermann Gruber's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

In-approximability results in severely restricted graph classes

Longest path problem is not polynomial-time approximable to any constant factor in cubic Hamiltonian graphs (Longest path $\notin APX$ unless $P=NP$). I don't know if it remains in-approximable in ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Does $NP$-hardness of $c$-approximation (for some $c>1$) imply $APX$-hardness?

Assume that for a given minimization problem with only integer solutions, it is $NP$-hard to decide if the optimal solution is 5 or 6. I.e., a polynomial-time algorithm with an approximation ratio ...
cs_student_273's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Best approximation for a HYPERGRAPH-MAXDICUT problem

Consider a $(c^a,(c+d)^a,1)$-regular directed hypergraph $\mathcal{H}(a)$ on $n^a$ vertices with fixed $n\geq c+d+1$, fixed $c\geq 2$, fixed $d\geq 0$ and variable parameter $a\geq 1$ (meaning every ...
3 votes
1 answer

On APX problems

Given optimization problems $P1$ and $P2$. The slides below say that, $P1 \leq_L P2$ does not imply $P2 ∈ APX$, then $P1 ∈ APX$. Why is this so?
Turbo's user avatar
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1 answer

PAC algorithms for APX-Hard problems

Do there exist polynomial time algorithms that admit Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) bounds for APX-Hard problems? That is, does there exist a problem $P$ that is APX-Hard, such that for every $\...
Daishisan's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I show that zero-one programming is not in APX?

How can I show that zero-one programming is not in APX? Vertex Cover Problem is in the APX class. So can I try a PTAS-reduction from the zero-one programming problem to Vertex Cover and show that ...
user3615395's user avatar