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Questions tagged [cc.complexity-theory]

P versus NP and other resource-bounded computation.

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50 votes
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Monotone complexity of s-t connectivity

In the problem CONN, we obtain a directed $n$-vertex graph (encoded as a boolean string of $n^2$ bits, one for each potential edge), and want to decide whether there is a path between all $n^2$ pairs $...
Stasys's user avatar
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48 votes
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Problem unsolvable in $2^{o(n)}$ on inputs with $n$ bits, assuming ETH?

If we assume the Exponential-Time Hypothesis, then there is no $2^{o(n)}$ algorithm for $n$-variable 3-SAT, and many other natural problems, such as 3-COLORING on graphs with $n$ vertices. Notice ...
Michael Lampis's user avatar
34 votes
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Is BPP= P known for ANY uniform model of computation?

Many believe that BPP $=$ P "should" hold for Turing machines. We even have some "witnesses" for this: otherwise some "strange" things would happen; see e.g. this paper by Implagliazzo and Wigderson. ...
Stasys's user avatar
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31 votes
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The complexity of checking whether two DAG have the same number of topological sorts

This problem is highly related to the CNF one. Here is the problem: given two DAG (directed acyclic graphs), if they have the same counting of topological sorts, answer "Yes", otherwise, answer "No". ...
Mike Chen's user avatar
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29 votes
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Does $EXP\neq ZPP$ imply sub-exponential simulation of BPP or NP?

By simulation I mean in the Impaglazzio-Widgerson [IW98] sense, i.e. sub-exponential deterministic simulation which appears correct i.o to every efficient adversary. I think this is a proof: if $EXP\...
Sebastian Ben Daniel's user avatar
28 votes
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Is Hankelability NP-hard?

I asked this question on SO on April 7 and added a bounty which has now expired but no poly time solution has been found yet. I am trying to write code to detect if a matrix is a permutation of a ...
Simd's user avatar
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27 votes
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Counting Isomorphism Types of Graphs

Polya's counting theorem leads to an algorithm for counting (precisely) the number of isomorphism types of graphs with $n$ vertices in $\exp (\sqrt n )$ steps. From Polya theorem you get a formula ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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23 votes
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Fine-grained complexity of BPP

If E does not have i.o.-$2^{o(n)}$ circuits, then P=BPP, but this does not tell us about the fine-grained containments between $\mathrm{Time}(n^a)$ and $\mathrm{BPTime}(n^b)$. Are there reasonable ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
22 votes
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What is the power of general poly-size permutation branching programs?

Call $\mathsf{PPBP}$ the class of languages decided by poly-size families of permutation branching programs, which are layered branching programs (i.e., the ones defined here) whose transitions ...
Damiano Mazza's user avatar
21 votes
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Descriptive complexity characterization of TimeSpace classes

Are there descriptive complexity characterizations for TimeSpace complexity classes like $\mathsf{SC^i}= \mathsf{DTimeSpace}(n^{O(1)},O(\lg^i n))$?
Kaveh's user avatar
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20 votes
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Partial circulant matrices: Is there a non-zero vector $v\in \{-1,0,1\}^n$ such that $Mv=0$?

The following question arose as a side product of some work I have been part of recently. An $m$ by $n$ $(0,1)$-matrix $M$ is partial circulant if it can be formed by taking the first $m$ rows of a ...
Simd's user avatar
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Interesting PCP characterization of classes smaller than P?

The PCP theorem, $\mathsf{NP} = \mathsf{PCP}(\mathsf{log}\, n, 1)$, involves probabilistically checkable proofs with polynomial time verifiers, so the smallest class that can be characterized in this ...
argentpepper's user avatar
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Complexity of finding the smallest well-covered completion

This is related to an earlier question on which graphs have the property that all maximal independent sets are maximum — such graphs turn out to be known as the well-covered graphs. Any graph $G$ is ...
David Eppstein's user avatar
20 votes
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Model-checking for three-variable logics and restricted structures

Denote the $k$-variable fragment of logic $L$ by $L^{(k)}$. The model-checking problem for a logic $L$ with respect to a class of structures $C$, denoted $MC(L,C)$, is the decision problem $MC(L,C)...
András Salamon's user avatar
19 votes
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Courcelle's theorem for bounded clique-width graphs

Courcelle's theorem states that "Every graph property which is expressible in monadic second order logic is decidable in linear time for bounded tree-width graphs". Later it was extended to bounded ...
Kumar's user avatar
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19 votes
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Complexity of interval cover problem

Consider the following problem $Q$: We are given an integer $n$, and $k$ intervals $[l_i,r_i]$ with $1\leq l_i\leq r_i\leq 2n$. We are also given $2n$ integers $d_1,…,d_{2n}\geq 0$. The task is to ...
Torsten Mütze's user avatar
18 votes
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Are monotone Boolean functions in P well-approximated by monotone polynomial-size circuits?

Question 1: Is it true that for every polynomial $p(n)$ and $\epsilon >0$ there is a polynomial $q(n)$ such that every monotone Boolean function on $n$ variables that can be expressed by a Boolean ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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18 votes
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Descriptive complexity of communication complexity classes

It is well known that some major complexity classes, like P or NP, admit a full logical characterization (e.g NP = existential 2nd order logic by Fagin's theorem). On the other hand, one can also ...
Marcin Kotowski's user avatar
17 votes
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Intermediate problems between PSPACE and EXPTIME

Intermediate problems between P and NP are quite famous, and are sometimes considered as complexity classes by themselves. Do you know of any problem that is known to be PSPACE-hard and in EXPTIME, ...
Denis's user avatar
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Deeper look at Algorithmica?

Russell Impagliazzo published "A Personal View of Average-Case Complexity" (preprint) back in 1995. He presented five possible worlds we could be living in, depending on how P and NP were related. The ...
András Salamon's user avatar
17 votes
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Can short-distance connectivity be harder than connectivity?

Has anybody seen the following (or similar) question being considered: Can it be easier to determine the presence/absence of $s$-$t$ paths than to determine the presence/absence of short $s$-$t$ ...
Stasys's user avatar
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Practically Good Algorithms of a Very Low Computational Complexity Class

I am looking for one (or more) examples of a parametric class of algorithms $P_t$ for approximately solving a class $\cal A$ of algorithmic questions with the following properties: 1) Solving the ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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17 votes
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What if an $\mathsf L$-complete problem has $\mathsf{NC}^1$ circuits? More generally, what evidence is there against $\mathsf{NC}^1=\mathsf{L}$?

Edit: let me reformulate the question in a more specific way (and change the title accordingly). A slightly edited version of the original question follows. Is there a result comparable to the Karp-...
Damiano Mazza's user avatar
17 votes
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Is Node Multiway Cut NP-complete on planar graphs when all terminals lie on the outer face?

I am interested in the following problem. Node Multiway Cut on Planar Graphs with terminals on the outer face Instance: A plane graph G, and integer k, and a set $S \subseteq V(G)$ of terminals which ...
Bart Jansen's user avatar
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Problem-Dependent Derandomization

The famous result of Impagliazzo and Wigderson in '97 cemented our belief that BPP is most likely the same as P; that is, problems that can be efficiently solved with randomness can also be ...
Henry Yuen's user avatar
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complexity of checking if a subspace is a Euclidean section of L1

If $X$ is a linear subspace of ${\mathbb R}^n$, $X$ is high-dimensional, and for every $x\in X$ we have $(1-\epsilon) \sqrt n ||x||_2 \leq ||x||_1 \leq \sqrt n ||x||_2$ for some small $\epsilon >...
Luca Trevisan's user avatar
16 votes
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Quantum Hardness of Finding Nash Equilibria

This question is inspired by the recent, beautiful work On the Cryptographic Hardness of Finding a Nash Equilibrium by Bitansky, Paneth, and Rosen. Their main result is that the existence of ...
Daniel Apon's user avatar
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Is graph coloring complete for poly-APX?

Is the graph coloring problem complete for poly-APX under C-reductions (alternatively, under AP-reductions)? For the graph coloring problem, speaking of a feasible solution means a proper coloring for ...
Hermann Gruber's user avatar
16 votes
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Phase Transitions in NP Hard Problems

SAT Problems have a phase transition that depends on the ratio $r$ of variables to clauses. Below $r$, SAT problems are solvable quickly; above, they become difficult. The same is true of NP ...
Ganesh's user avatar
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An algebra of complexity classes

A key feature of unrelativized computation is its composability out of smaller fragments, and to partially capture the composability, I came up with an algebra of fine-grained complexity classes. For ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
15 votes
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Complexity of approximating the range of a matrix

Given an $m$ by $n$ matrix $M$ with $m \leq n$ and elements from $\{-1,1\}$, let us define: $$S_M = |\{Mx : x \in \{-1,1\}^n\}|.$$ I believe that it is NP-hard to compute $S_M$ exactly, by applying ...
Simd's user avatar
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What is the evidence for average case separation between EXP and NEXP?

There is significant evidence from cryptography that there exist NP-complete problems that are hard in the average case (meaning that e.g. $AvgP \nsupseteq DistNP$). Namely, we have candidate one-way ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Williams' Method, Natural Proofs and Constructivity

I have some questions on the previous question which is written bellow. Natural Proof and Constructivity : The topic of the previous question Recently, Ryan Williams proved that Constructivity in ...
atsu's user avatar
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Intersecting Complexity Classes with Advice

In on hiding information from an oracle, the authors (Abadi, Feigenbaum, and Kilian) wrote: $(\mathsf{NP/poly} \cap \mathsf{co\text-NP}{/poly})$ ... is not known to be equal to $(\mathsf{NP}...
Sadeq Dousti's user avatar
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15 votes
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Is CFL strictly contained in NL?

We know that $\mathsf{REG}=\mathsf{NSPACE}(O(1))$ and $\mathsf{CSL}=\mathsf{NSPACE}(O(n))$. What is the relation of $\mathsf{CFL}$ and $\mathsf{NSPACE}(O(\log n))=\mathsf{NL}$? Is $\mathsf{CFL}$ a ...
cineel's user avatar
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Characterization of read-once formulae over the full binary basis

Background A read-once formula over a set of gates (also called a basis) is a formula in which each input variable appears once. Read-once formulas are commonly studied over the De Morgan basis (...
Robin Kothari's user avatar
14 votes
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Counting solutions to extended MSO formulas, and sampling -- do these appear in the literature?

I am trying to determine if the literature contains various extensions of Courcelle's theorem. Since I haven't been able to find these in the literature, I guess that these are folklore results, or ...
Elle Najt's user avatar
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Is there a P-complete language X such that succinct-X is in P?

I came across a paper called "A Note on Succinct Representation of Graphs". It seems that in the discussion section they claim that for any problem $X$ that is $\mathrm{P}$-hard under projections, $\...
Michael Wehar's user avatar
14 votes
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First use of sans serif for complexity classes

(Apologies for the triviality of this question; nevertheless, it's been bugging me and presumably people here will be able to answer it...) It seems that it has become popular in recent years to ...
Ashley Montanaro's user avatar
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The best known upper bound for two-way probabilistic finite automata with one-counter

It is known that the class of languages recognized by two-way deterministic finite automata with one-counter (2D1CAs) is a proper subset of $ \mathsf{L} $ (deterministic log-space): A 2D1CA can run at ...
Abuzer Yakaryilmaz's user avatar
14 votes
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Pseudorandom functions in ACC^0?

In the lower bound result by Ryan Williams (Non-uniform $\mathsf{ACC}$ circuit lower bounds), there is a mention of "little evidence that Pseudorandom function generators exist in $\mathsf{ACC}^0$. Is ...
Nikhil's user avatar
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AC0 many-one reduction of Mod_3 to PRIMES?

Let Mod$_3$ be the language of binary strings with the sum of the bits divisible by 3, and PRIMES be the set of prime integers. In a 2001 paper A Lower Bound for Primality, Allender, Saks, and ...
András Salamon's user avatar
14 votes
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DPLL and Lovász Local Lemma

Let $\varphi$ be a CNF formula. Suppose that each of $\varphi$'s clauses consist of exactly $t$ literals (and, moreover, all literals within one particular clause correspond to different variables). ...
ilyaraz's user avatar
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Question on Products of Graphs

Let $S_{n}(G)$, $C_{n}(G)$, $T_{n}(G)$ be the $n$-fold Strong Product, Cartesian Product and Tensor Product of a graph $G$ on $|V|$ vertices. Let the chromatic number ($\chi(G)$) and the independence ...
v s's user avatar
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Linear PRAM vs Arithmetic Linear PRAM

A linear PRAM model is a PRAM model without bit operations and at least one operand of the $\times$ instruction is a constant. If in addition we require that the running time does not depend on the ...
Shiva Kintali's user avatar
14 votes
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Any example of an unsatisfiable integer program with non constant Rank Lower bounds for LS+ cuts but with short LS+ refutations?

Assume we want to refute an unsatisfiable CNF. We can interpret it as an integer program, thus a refutation can be done by applying Lovasz-Schrijver semidefinite cuts ($LS_{+}$ cuts) to its linear ...
MassimoLauria's user avatar
13 votes
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Consequences of bipartite perfect matching not in NL?

Are any significant consequences known of $\text{BPM} \not\in \textsf{NL}$? I'm interested in the status of the following well-studied decision problem, in particular whether it is known to be in $\...
András Salamon's user avatar
13 votes
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How can one find the "hard" probability distribution on the input for recursive boolean functions?

Update: Since, it seems there is no progress regarding this question, any idea, conjecture, hunch, or advice is welcome. For example, are there any partial or incomplete results? What are the main ...
Jardine's user avatar
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Are there any implementations of Cook-Levin?

Does anyone know if there is an implementation of Cook-Levin? A program that gets an input like the following: $M$: the code of a machine model/simple program in a programming language like C, $\vec{...
Kaveh's user avatar
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Non-deterministic logspace with two-sided error

The class BPL is the set of all problems solvable by a Turing machine running in logarithmic space and polynomial time with two-sided error; that is, if $x\in L$ then the machine accepts with ...
Lior Eldar's user avatar
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