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Questions tagged [computability]

Computability theory a.k.a. recursion theory.

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Halting problem with minimal Turing Machine as promised input

Consider the following Turing Machine A. Input: Turing Machine M that recognizes some language L(M) Output: If M is minimal (i.e. its length is minimum among Turing Machines that recognize the same ...
BookH's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is any procedure satisified by the principle of least action able to be simulated by Turing Machine?

The Hamilton action $S$ is defined as following: $$S=\int^T_0 L(q,\dot{q})dt$$ the integral along any actual or virtual (conceivable or trial) space-time trajectory q(t) connects two specified space-...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Computing non-halting inputs of semantic non-equivalent programs

Let P and Q be two programs take one natural number as input and produce no output and they are not semantically equivalent, that is, there exists at least one input value n such that either P(n) ...
Antonio Valerio Miceli-Barone's user avatar
-2 votes
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Source for the "Recursion Theorem" in the context of Turing Machines

Hi and thank you for reading me, I saw a result that interests me in this lecture by Shalev Ben-David, called the "recursion theorem" (Theorem 19.1). It roughly states that : Fix an input ...
user8622655's user avatar
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When is an upper bound on the longest irreducible program outputting something computable?

This is a repost of this mathoverflow question. Given some way to to encode programs to strings with a finite alphabet, which we assume has a computable translation to/from Turing machines, a program ...
Command Master's user avatar
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Integration of analytic function

It is the continuation of the question: Complexity of analytic functions and integrals. Given an input integer $t$ and a sequence of analytic functions $f_n(\cdots(f_0(x))$, with parameters $t$ itself,...
roignoirewg's user avatar
5 votes
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What are the computations model with a constant slowdown ? (and why do we care about Turing machines)

One problem with Turing machines is that the universal Turing machine $U$ can simulate any machine $M$ but with a $\log$ slowdown, meaning $U(\#M,x)$ runs in time $O(T(n)log(n) + O(n))$, where $n=|\#M|...
ULechine's user avatar
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Deciding whether there are directed paths between two vertices of all possible lengths

I recently read a paper The presence of a zero in an integer linear recurrent sequence is NP-hard to decide by Blondel and Portier, in which they prove the statement The problem of determining for a ...
user918212's user avatar
8 votes
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Primitive recursive permutations

How to show that the inverse of a primitive recursive permutation of $\mathbb{N}$ is not necessarily a primitive recursive function?
ijon's user avatar
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Does every computable function have infinitely many "non-padded" representations?

It's well-known that every computable function has infinitely many representations (when they're expressed via recursive functions, or programs, etc.). I'm trying to understand whether there are ...
Alex Altair's user avatar
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By Gödel numbering, is the set of computable(partially) transcendental numbers an immune set, productive set? [duplicate]

Every Turing Machine computing(output) real number is encoded as a natural number, namely, admissible numbering. Then what is the set of computable (partially) transcendental numbers? Is it an immune ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
-1 votes
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Computability/Complexity of optimization problems in general

Dear StackExchange community, I have a question, or better phrased I am confused and would like to be enlightened by you! So assume we have a (optimization) problem like that: Instance: Let $f:\...
Thinklex's user avatar
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Why does the Time Hierarchy Theorem fail relative to promise problems?

Define Program Evaluation (PE) to be the promise problem of determining whether a program (written in a Turing-complete language) returns True or False. The promise is that the program will return ...
Demi's user avatar
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Many-one equivalence of sets that differ finitely

[This is a duplicate of my question from Mathematics Stack Exchange: I am posting it here since it ...
ijon's user avatar
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3 votes
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Technical limitations of Turing machines due to the input and output encoding of values

Convention: Since I will be asking about some technicalities around Turing machines, it behooves to give a precise definition: say, here, “Turing machine” will stand for a $2$-symbol $1$-tape machine ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Computational power of probabilistic automata

I am a bit confused about the proper role of probabilistic automata (PA) in the theory of computation. Informally, I can imagine they can accept more than finite automata (FA) as they, for instance, ...
Barney's user avatar
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Many-one degrees of some particular sets

Let $W_0, W_1, W_2,\dotsc$ be an effective numbering of r.e. sets. Consider sets $\text{Emp}=\{x\mid W_x=\emptyset\}$, $\text{Tot}=\{x\mid W_x=\mathbb{N}\}$ and $S_n=\{x\mid W_x=W_n\}$ (for some fixed ...
ijon's user avatar
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Decidability of the complexity of decision problems

This might be a question that is related to some of the existent questions on the topic in the title, but I still find some answers either not full, or the topic still slightly different (maybe due to ...
A. G's user avatar
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Primitive recursion with varying parameters

Suppose $g\colon \mathbb{N}^k \to \mathbb{N}$, $v_1,\ldots,v_r\colon \mathbb{N}^k \to \mathbb{N}^k$ and $h\colon \mathbb{N}^{k+r+1} \to \mathbb{N}$ are all primitive recursive, and define $f\colon \...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Complexity of analytic functions and integrals

There exist polynomial - time computable functions, log - space computable functions, and NC - functions. Given this: To which class do analytic elementary functions, including trigonometric ones, ...
roignoirewg's user avatar
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Primitive recursion relative to a logical system

In various places I have read that the normally considered non-primitive recursive Ackermann function is primitive recursive in higher-order logic. It's claimed to be due to "Reynolds, 1985",...
Ilk's user avatar
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Complexity measures for semi-decidable problems

Is there any sensible complexity measure that makes sense to compare the "hardness" of undecidable semi-decidable problems? Time and space are of course not suitable, because they cannot be ...
Nicola Gigante's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the additive epsilon term in the definition of a time constructible function?

There is a well-known theorem that states that a function $f$ is time constructible if and only if $f$ can be computed in time $O(f)$. But this theorem comes with some conditions: $f$ must be a ...
user70015's user avatar
10 votes
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Is P=NP relative to the halting oracle?

Consider the following variant $\mathscr{H}$ of the halting oracle: given the code $e$ for an ordinary Turing machine and an input $n$ to it, we let $\mathscr{H}(\langle e,n\rangle) = \langle 0,0\...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is there a well-defined notion of an “R/poly” complexity class?

This would be the complexity class of all problems that are decidable in finite time with a polynomial length advice string that can be arbitrarily hard to compute. But potentially undecidable without ...
Colonizor48's user avatar
3 votes
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What is formal definition of non-deterministic algorithm in context of primitive/general recursion?

I want to understand general method for formally defining non-deterministic algorithm. But all formal definitions I see are related to FSM/Turing-machines. What is the reference for non-deterministic ...
uhbif19's user avatar
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Do realizable systems always have some non-well-founded sets?

Suppose we are standing outside a realizable system which admits CZF or a similar constructive set theory. Then consider the following: LEM is not realized (e.g. this MSE answer) The traditional ...
Corbin's user avatar
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Generalizing Quines: Outputting an Arbitrary Function of Source Code

​​A Quine is a (non-empty) program $P$ that takes no inputs and returns its own source code $\langle P\rangle$ as the only output. For a function $f$ (with appropriate domains and range) define an $f$-...
Pooya Farshim's user avatar
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How to prove that a language that allows infinite loops is still not Turing-complete?

CPS translations will always use pairs, either explictly or by currying. Though I can't find a reference for that, I'm assuming this is a necessary condition (I'd appreciate a reference if someone has ...
paulotorrens's user avatar
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Input-Output Machines

From what I know, there is a vast literature on language recognizers in computer science. Language recognizers are machines (e.g., Finite State Automata, Pushdown Automata, Turing Machines, ...) that, ...
Sam's user avatar
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Reference for "A Turing machine cannot be equipped with an oracle for itself"

Starting with a basic Turing machine, successive applications of the Turing jump produce successively more powerful machines, that can be indexed by any ordinal. A tempting error for students, and one ...
Alex Meiburg's user avatar
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Computability for universal quantum turing machines

I would like to ask if anyone has any ideas about what a universal quantum turing machine (UQTM) can do as supposed to a classical universal turing machine (UTM) (i.e. quantum computer vs classical ...
Shane Gervais's user avatar
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Does Bellantoni-Cook safe recursion (or any other implicit characterization of P) admit Kleene's second recursion theorem?

Abstractly, by a programming language that operates on binary strings I mean a set $P$ of programs along with a semantics relation $[p](x) = y$, ``the program $p$ on string $x$ halts with output $y$.&...
Siddharth's user avatar
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Extension of primitive recursion, that is as powerful as System-T

I know that System-T restricted to first-order types is exactly as powerful as primitive recursive functions, because I proved it in Agda. I asked myself, if there is a extension of primitive ...
ghostOfTomJoad's user avatar
-13 votes
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What happens when the Linz halting problem proof is based on simulation of the input?

Applying a Simulating Halt Decider to the Linz Halting Problem Proof Of course it is obvious that no halt decider H can possibly return a correct halt status for any input defined to do the opposite ...
polcott's user avatar
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Are there parsers that can parse languages in more expressive grammars than context-free grammars?

The Earley Parser is able to parse all context-free languages. Are there parsers that can parse say languages in context-sensitive grammars? I realize ambiguous grammars are non-deterministic and ...
Vivek Joshy's user avatar
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Gurevich's theorem on primitive recursive functions being logspace-computable

I recently came across the following result attributed to Gurevich, according to which I understood that the class of problems solvable by primitive recursive functions is precisely the class L of ...
Noel Arteche's user avatar
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Generalization of computability to continuous for loops? [closed]

A computable function, formulated in the sense of mu recursion, can compute a for or do loop over some (possibly infinite) integer range. I was wondering if a suitable generalization exists that ...
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir's user avatar
6 votes
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An analogue of Scott continuity for infinite-time-Turing-computable functions

$\newcommand{\tb}{2_{\!\bot}}\newcommand{\tbO}{\tb^{\,\omega}}$Let $2 = \{0,1\}$ and $\tb = \{0,\bot,1\}$. Scott continuity is important for defining models of lambda calculus, a formalism for ...
Jozef Mikušinec's user avatar
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Are there more learnable but undecidable cases except the halting problem

Per request, I cross post the question here which is original from math.stackexchange In the ICML 1996 paper, On the Learnability of the Uncomputables, by Richard Lathrop, he proved that halting ...
Mountain's user avatar
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What are the application of Scott-Topology in theoretical computer science?

During a work I came across the Scott-Topology and I see that Scott-continuous functions show up in the study of models for lambda calculi. What I cannot understand is how this enrich the lambda-...
micrus's user avatar
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Understanding the construction of an uncomputable function

The following is from Arora and Barak's "Computational Complexity." I think one does not have to read the second paragraph of the proof to answer this question. Theorem 1.10 There exists a ...
zxcv's user avatar
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How can I switch into computability theory when I am part way through my PhD in deep learning?

I am partway through my PhD studying deep learning. I chose it just because it's useful and would yield a lot of industry opportunities. However, I am really missing my previous coursework in ...
JobHunter69's user avatar
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Expressive power of lambda-calculus with restricted application

Consider a syntactic restriction of the (untyped) $\lambda$-calculus in which an application cannot have another application as an immediate subterm. More precisely, restricted terms ($R,S,...$) and ...
pbaren's user avatar
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Why are some classes (ALL, ELEMENTARY, R, etc) badly behaved as oracles?

Some classes, such as ALL, ELEMENTARY, and R, are very badly behaved when used as oracles. For instance, all three of these classes trivially collapse P and EXP, even though (by the Time Hierarchy ...
Demi's user avatar
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Detailed proof of Theorem 2.1 in Papadimitrou book (Multitape TM to SingleTape TM)

I want to know if anybody knows a detailed proof of Theorem 2.1 of Papadimitrou's book Computational Complexity. The theorem states "Given any $k$-string Turing machine $M$ operating within time $...
arbolverde's user avatar
7 votes
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Halting problem for finitary PCF

Is the halting problem decidable for finitary PCF? By "halting problem" I mean the problem of deciding whether a closed PCF term evaluates to bottom under the denotational semantics of PCF. ...
PaR's user avatar
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Is there a fundamental link between Nash's equilibrium and Turing's halting problem?

Since Nash equilibrium exists, is there a computational analogue of this equilibrium point? I am trying to approach Nash equilibrium from computational point of view to see if the equilibrium point ...
Ajax's user avatar
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What is a known sequence for which being constant is not provable?

My question concerns the property of being constant for computable functions ${\mathbb N}\to \{0,1\}$, within any common framework $T$ strong enough to include Heyting arithmetic (and of course not ...
Nikolaj-K's user avatar
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What is the complexity class of higher-order primitive recursion?

Short and sweet: The complexity class of primitive recursive functions (WP) is PR (WP, Zoo). What's the complexity class of higher-order primitive recursion (WP)? The motivating context is simply that ...
Corbin's user avatar
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