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Does ${\bf CFLPAD}={\bf PPAD}$?

What happens if we define ${\bf PPAD}$ such that instead of a polytime Turing-machine/polysize circuit, a (non-)deterministic finite/push-down automaton encodes the problem? I asked a similar ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Is SAT a context-free language?

I am considering the language of all satisfiable propositional logic formulae, SAT (to ensure that this has a finite alphabet, we would encode propositional letters in some suitable way [edit: the ...
mak's user avatar
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Complexity of a problem over acyclic context-free grammars

Let $G$ be an acyclic, context-free grammar over a fixed alphabet $\Sigma=\{a_1,\dots,a_k\}$ with the restriction (without loss of generality) that $|w|=2$ for each rule $A\to w$ in the grammar. ...
Danny's user avatar
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Reference for Dyck languages being $\mathsf{TC}_0$-complete

Dyck languages $\mathsf{Dyck}(k)$ is defined by the following grammar $$ S \rightarrow SS \,|\, (_1 S )_1 \,|\, \ldots \,|\, (_k S )_k \,|\, \epsilon $$ over the set of symbols $\{(_1,\ldots,(_k,)_1,\...
Hsien-Chih Chang 張顯之's user avatar