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Show that minimal CFG is undecidable via mapping reduction

Actually the problem below is an exercise in Sipser's textbook (Problem 5.36). However, from my perspective, it is not so trivial so that I post this question on this site instead of CS.SE. The ...
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0 votes
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is determining an unknown CFL from intersection of two CFLs decidable?

this problem was asked over a week ago on now with 7v and no answers so far, ie still "open". (there are many somewhat related problems/near variants re CFLs but its not obvious how to reduce it ...
vzn's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Intersection between context-free and context-sensitive language decidability [closed]

I'm trying to find a formal proof of the following fact: Given a context-free language, say $L_1$, and a context-sensitive language, say $L_2$, it is NOT decidable if their intersection is empty ($...
Paul's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

How is proving a context free language to be ambiguous undecidable?

I've read somewhere that a Turing machine cannot compute this and it's therefore undecidable but why? Why is it computationally impossible for a machine to generate the parse tree's and make a ...
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