Questions tagged [formal-systems]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Salomaa's axiomatisation of regular languages and the use of regular expression in it

I am reading the classical article of A. Salomaa where he gives two axiom systems for regular sets and proofs consistency and completeness. As I have understood it, an axiomatic system in some logic (...
StefanH's user avatar
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Can lambda-calculus, or other formal systems / calculi, be represented using set theory?

Background: I'm a fresh grad student looking into interesting ideas I have. I do not have any theoretical computer science background beyond basic Theory of Computation stuff from undergrad. If I have ...
The Pointer's user avatar
-1 votes
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semantics of "destroy object" in HRU model

In the access control model HRU there is the primitive request destroy object o which is only defined if o is an object in the current protection state which is not a subject. I am interested in why ...
Sebastian Bechtel's user avatar