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Questions tagged [online-algorithms]

24 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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View of Multiplicative Weights in contexts of combinatorial optimization, low-regret/online optimization, and entropy-regularized gradient descent?

Also called exponentiated gradient. I understand these are three places where multiplicative weights shows up (i.e. $w_{t+1} = w_{t}e^{- \text{loss}(w_{t})}$ or variations. And I understand a bit ...
Elliot JJ's user avatar
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What are good set size estimation algorithms for small sets (around 10-50 elements)?

I'm trying to implement an online distinct counting algorithm, and I have thousands of small sets of 32 bit IP addresses whose sizes I want to estimate with high accuracy (1-5%). I came across quite ...
nia's user avatar
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Online triangle counting

Please consider the following problem. It can (but probably shouldn't) be called offline version of online triangle detection on subgraphs. Given a graph $G$ and a collection $C$ of subsets of ...
ivmihajlin's user avatar
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Is there an online algorithm for solving any P-complete problem?

We can think of the class $NC$ as the class of problems that can be solved in parallel, whereas a $P$-complete problem probably has no parallel solution. My question is: where do online algorithms ...
Mike Izbicki's user avatar
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Online Interval Coloring Problem

We are given a path $P = (V,E)$ on $n$ nodes, where each edge $e \in E$ has a capacity $c_e$. There are a set of $k$ requests $R_1,\ldots,R_k$. Request $R_i$ has a demand $d_i$, and has an interval $...
Arindam Pal's user avatar
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Online assignment lower bound results

I am reading the following paper which presents a $(1-\epsilon)$-competitive online algorithm for the MaxMin (similar to the makespan) problem, defined as follows: a set of requests are arriving in an ...
Doc Stories's user avatar
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Incremental PDA emptiness testing?

Is there anything known about the problem of incremental emptiness testing for a pushdown automata? Suppose you have a PDA with (up to) $n$ states and transitions, but instead of being given the ...
Antimony's user avatar
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Confusion with the definition of Online Set Cover

I am confused on a technicality on how Online Set Cover is defined. One way to define it is: We are given a collection of sets $\mathcal{S}$ upfront, and in each time-step an element arrives to be ...
Karagounis Z's user avatar
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On-line pagerank in a streaming DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)

Assume a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is given as a stream of edges such that edge $(u,v)$ is given only after all incoming edges of $u$ are given. Let us denote by $n$ and $m$ the number of vertices ...
Matthieu Latapy's user avatar
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Dynamic permutation cycle data

Let $\pi \in S_n$ be a permutation of $\{1, \ldots, n\}$. Does there exist a simple data structure that admits the following operations in polylogarithmic time? sameCycle($\pi,x,y$): determines ...
Timothy's user avatar
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Is there a competitive algorithm for this online scheduling problem to minimize the truncated gaps?

Time is discrete. There are $n$ time-slots and a single job that can be scheduled on one machine of budget $B$. If the job is scheduled at time-slot $t$, then it will consume $c(t)$ units of the ...
zdm's user avatar
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What is the competitive ratio of a $d$-way associative LRU cache?

In a caching problem, items arrive online, and the algorithm needs to decide which elements to keep in the cache. If the current item is not cached, we pay a penalty of $1$. It is well known that for ...
R B's user avatar
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Is there any online problem that the best known competitive ratio is better than the hardness of approximation (or the best known approximation)?

In online-setting, we usually allow exponential time to think and come up with a strategy. On the other hand, in offline-setting, we might care about solving a particular problem optimally, or as good ...
PattaraS's user avatar
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Efficient Online Algorithms for Matrix rank

Suppose, we have a matrix with known rank. Then, in each step one element of this matrix will be changed. Is there any efficient online algorithm to find rank of each matrix after each element update?
OmG's user avatar
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Problem dependent lower bound for stochastic bandits with full information

Suppose you have a $K$ armed stochastic bandit problem but with full information. There are $K$ arms with mean rewards $\mu_1,...,\mu_K$. At each step we have to select an arm, collect the reward from ...
rajatsen91's user avatar
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Convergence of online convex optimization methods

I am new to this subject so this question might seem a bit trivial Assume that in each round $t\in{{1,...T}}$ we choose $x_t\in K $ where $K$ is a compact and convex set, The common methods for ...
rabe's user avatar
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Streaming when doing computations with abstract term rewriting systems?

Computation models such as interaction nets can represent any computation as they are Turing complete. However, I have been investigating their practical implementations, and I'm wondering if there's ...
Synchronous's user avatar
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What is the meaning of loss in online convex optimization?

I am studying online convex optimization, and it is stated that when we make a decision, we observe loss corresponding to our decision. In some problems like multi-armed bandit problems, we know the ...
Amin's user avatar
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What is the state of the art in first order stochastic convex optimization?

What is the optimally fastest convex risk minimizing algorithm which only uses a stochastic first order oracle? Is this SGD? What is the optimally fastest convex function minimizing algorithm which ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Minimum size counter-example in a 2-machine scheduling problem proof

I'm confused about something in the main proof in this paper (sorry that it's behind a paywall, but I assume many people on here have access to such things through their university and my posting the ...
user124384's user avatar
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Automatically Adapting Forgetting Factor for Online EM

I've been reading some interesting papers recently on methods for automatically and adaptively setting the learning rate in stochastic gradient descent (SGD). In particular, "No more pesky learning ...
nomad's user avatar
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The complexity order of regret (especially in online reinforcement learning)?

In online reinforcement learning theory, how to judge the complexity order of regret, if there are two or more terms in there? For example, the state space is $X$, the action space is $A$, the episode ...
white's user avatar
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Using martingale arguments to prove convergence of iterative algorithms

Can someone give me typical/educative examples of how martingales can be used to prove convergence of an iterative algorithmS? The examples I know of can only go so far as to show that there exists ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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A Simple Auction Game

You are playing the following game. You have a budget of $B$ dollars. There are $n$ days. Every day $d$, you have to make a bid $b_d\geq0$ that does not exceed your budget. After making the bid, a ...
zdm's user avatar
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