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Does PEG contain CFG?

Despite their considerable expressive power, all PEGs can be parsed in linear time using a tabular or memoizing parser (8). These properties strongly suggest that CFGs and PEGs define incomparable ...
Ulrik Rasmussen's user avatar
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The semantics of Parsing Expression Grammars

Is there a simple and intuitive explanation for the fact that the following parsing expression (where S is the starting symbol, $...
FloDo's user avatar
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Not possible to write deterministic CFG for balanced parenthesis?

I know that it's possible to build an LL(1) parser for the Dyck language, i.e. a balanced string of parentheses, so the Dyck language is a deterministic context-free language. But what's an example of ...
Jerry Ding's user avatar
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Decidability of regular partition construction given its existence

Let $G = (N,T,P,S)$ be a context-free grammar where $T,N$ are sets of terminals and nonterminals respectively, $P$ contains all the productions of the grammar, and $S \in N$. If we know that $G$ is LL(...
user35443's user avatar
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Grammars whose LR automata have singleton item sets?

The states in LR parsers correspond to sets of items (ie, sets of productions from the original grammar, with a "dot" marking how far into the rule the parser has gotten). In general, states ...
Neel Krishnaswami's user avatar
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LALR grammars subsets

If LR(0) condition for a grammar G is formulated as follows: Every state is either reduction or a shift state and it can't be both at the same time if it is a reduction state, it contains exactly one ...
NoWhereMan's user avatar
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Are there data structures that cannot be serialized / deserialized using a context free grammar?

I understand that deserializing data from a string or binary stream into a data structure is effectively the same parsing. When you deserialize the input string, you use a grammar to create a parse ...
bcarlborg's user avatar