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Questions tagged [spectral-graph-theory]

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Entries of the Inverse Laplacian

Let $L$ be a graph Laplacian. What is the meaning of the entries of its (pseudo)inverse $L^{-1}$? In other words, are there any interpretations which might help with understanding the entries of $L^{-...
Zuza's user avatar
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Spectral sparsification of graphs with negative edge weights

I am reading the following well-known paper on spectral sparsification of weighted graphs: Page 2 contains most of the definitions relevant to this question. It is ...
K V's user avatar
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Can we always find a graph with a given algebraic connectivity?

This is crossposted from math stackexchange. This is my first time posting here, so let me know if I'm doing something wrong. I would like to experiment with various spectral properties of graphs, ...
Chris Grossack's user avatar
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When can partial spectral sparsifiers be combined?

A few important papers about spectral sparsifiers and friends contain a technical idea that involves building many different sparsifiers that each "partially" solve the problem, and then combining ...
GMB's user avatar
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Fast Computation of First k Eigenvectors of Graph Laplacian

I'm looking for references for the following; Given the unnormalized Laplacian matrix of a graph $L = D - A, ~ L \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ Algorithm(s) to efficiently estimate the first $k$ (...
madman_with_a_box's user avatar
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How is SDP an extension of spectral algorithms?

In one of his lectures, Uri Feige described semidefinite programming (SDP) as ... an algorithmic technique that extends both linear programming and spectral algorithms. I know the basic ...
user2316602's user avatar
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Purely spectral algorithms for the minimum spanning tree problem

There are many algorithms that address the MST problem, from classical (Boruvka, Prim, Kruskal), optimal (Pettie et al.) to their distributed variants (Bader et al.). However, I fail to find any ...
user3209815's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of adjacency matrix of a connected bipartite graph

Let $G=(V,E)$ is a connected d-regular bipartite graph with the same number of vertices on both sides of the bipartition. It's known that that the largest eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix would be d,...
Devil's user avatar
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The algebraic connectivity of graphs with large isoperimetric number

I asked this question on MO, but no answer. Let $G = (V,E)$ be an undirected graph with maximum degree $\Delta$. the isoperimetric number of $G$, denoted $i(G)$, is defined by $$i(G) = \min_{|S| \leq |...
j.s.'s user avatar
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Spectra of Cayley Graphs for non-Abelian Groups

There appears to be much interest in the subject of the spectra of Cayley graphs. Indeed it appears that the spectra are highly related or may be computed through the irreducible representations of ...
Max Hopkins's user avatar
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Sparse-cut approximation for well connected graphs

Theorem: For any graph $G=(V,E)$, there is a polynomial time algorithm that finds a cut $S \subseteq V$ with conductance at most $\sqrt{2\big(1 − \lambda(G)\big)}$. If I understand UGC correctly, ...
Vivek Bagaria's user avatar
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Is the value of $\max_{f:V\rightarrow [\frac{-1}{2},\frac{1}{2}], \\ \sum_{v}{f(v)}=0} \frac{f^T L_G f}{n-f^Tf}$ polynomially computable?

For a graph $G$ on $n$ vertices, what is the value of following ratio: $$\max_{f:V\rightarrow [\frac{-1}{2},\frac{1}{2}], \\ \sum_{v}{f(v)}=0} \frac{f^T L_G f}{n-f^Tf} ,$$ where $L_G=D_G-A_G$ is ...
j.s.'s user avatar
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Dichotomy of the spectra of directed graphs

Compared to spectra of undirected graphs, which correspond to symmetric matrices, the spectra of directed graphs is not very well known: It is known that a directed graph $G = (V,E)$ has an adjacency ...
Lior Eldar's user avatar
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About some possible optimality properties of Ramanujan graphs

The Ramanujan graphs are optimal from the Alon-Bopanna point of view but.. Is there any sense in which one can call Ramanujan graphs to be the "optimal" spectral sparsifiers? (Reference : http://...
Student's user avatar
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Construction of a graph which has regular subgraphs at each iteration of a recursive process

I am studying Graph Isomorphism and also trying to figure out the complexity of a certain class of graph. The graph I am studying at the moment is described below Description : $G$ is a $r$ regular ...
Michael's user avatar
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Are there sparsifiers that approximate vertices rather than edges?

Originally introduced by Benczur and Karger, cut sparsifiers let one take a dense graph $G=(V,E)$ and produce a weighted sparse graph on the same vertex set, where - only knowing the sparse graph ...
Dana Moshkovitz's user avatar
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About the sparsest-cut question

Can someone kindly help clarify as to exactly what is the generally accepted definition of the "sparsest cut" problem for a graph? (Isn't the set which achieves the Cheeger constant for a ...
user6818's user avatar
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Is the Cheeger constant $\mathsf{NP}$-hard?

I have read in uncountably many articles that determining the Cheeger constant of a graph is $\mathsf{NP}$-hard. It seems to be a folk theorem, but I have never found either a quote or a proof for ...
Delio M.'s user avatar
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About the small set expansion conjecture

Given a graph $G=(V,E)$ and a $\delta > 0$ one wants to calculate $h(G,\delta)=min_{\vert S\vert \leq \delta \vert V \vert } \phi(S)$. ($\phi(S) = \frac{ E(S,\bar{S}) }{d min \{\vert S \vert , n - \...
user6818's user avatar
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Upper bounds on higher order eigenvalues of regular graphs

Suppose $G$ is an undirected $d$-regular $n$-vertex graph for some constant $d$. Let $\lambda_k$ be the $k$-th largest eigenvalue of the normalized laplacian $L$ of $G$ (defined as $I - \frac{1}{d} A$ ...
Ramprasad's user avatar
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Is there a diagonal matrix D such that DMD is SDD, where M is SPD matrix

Let $M$ be symmetric and positive definite matrix (SPD). It is known [1] that if $M$ is SPD and in addition satisfies $M_{ij}\leq 0$, for $i\neq j$ (called M-matrix) then there is a positive ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of Random Regular Bipartite Graphs

I am looking for a way of getting a good estimate of the eigenvalues of random bipartite d-regular graphs. The literature has very precise values the proofs of which are very involved and since I am ...
NAg's user avatar
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Graph sparsification

I would like to ask if any one is aware of any results related to graph sparsification with bounded degrees? What I mean is anyone aware of graph sparsification results such that the resultant graph ...
Magellanea's user avatar
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References to learn more about graph laplacian.

I have vaguely heard of this connection between random matrix theory and graphs (the spectral gap of their laplacians) on compact Riemann surfaces. Can someone give a pedagogic reference which helps ...
user6818's user avatar
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introduction to spectral geometry

In the paper Belkin, Mikhail, and Partha Niyogi. "Laplacian eigenmaps and spectral techniques for embedding and clustering." In NIPS, vol. 14, pp. 585-591. 2001 The ...
Magellanea's user avatar
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Constructing a digraph from its spectrum

This is related to the following question which has already been explored: Reverse Graph Spectra Problem? So it seems as if given a sequence of real numbers, it is not always possible to generate a 0-...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Number of graphs with prescribed spectrum

I have a question relevant to the number of graphs with prescribed spectral ratio. Let $A$ be the adjacency matrix of a graph on $n$ vertices. Let $\lambda_i$ be its $i$-th largest (signed) eigenvalue....
Dimitris's user avatar
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Size of MAXCUT from eigenvalues

Is there an interpretation of MAXCUT using eigenvalues of the graph that yields constant factor approximation to MAXCUT? Can the estimates provide sharp lower bound to MAXCUT?
Turbo's user avatar
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Spectral Graph Theory and Matroid Theory

I have just started grad school this year and I have been into Spectral Graph Theory for some time now. Recently I got introduced to Matroid Theory and although I know the field has been around for ...
Konstantinos Koiliaris's user avatar
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Multi-way spectral partitioning and higher-order Cheeger inequalities

I am reading the paper above by Lee, Gharan and Trevisan, and I am having trouble with lemma 4.8 on page 23. How do we form the set $T_1, \ldots, T_{r'}$ such that $r'>(1-\delta/2)k$ and each set $...
Son P Nguyen's user avatar
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Graph has several MST what does it mean combinatorically?

This question is not theoretical, it's about combinatorial meaning. In graph theory there is a notion of complexity of a graph, which is equal to the number of spanning trees in a graph, which ...
user197284's user avatar
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Second eigenvalue and the last eigenvalue

Note : All eigenvalues that I would referring to below would of the adjacency matrix of the graph My question arises from having read about Expander Graphs from a few different sources. The most ...
NAg's user avatar
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Count the number of spanning trees fast

Let $t(G)$ denote the number of spanning trees in a graph $G$ with $n$ vertices. There is an algorithm that computes $t(G)$ in $O(n^3)$ arithmetic operations. This algorithm is to compute $\frac{1}{n^...
user197284's user avatar
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Complexity to compute the eigenvalue signs of the adjacency matrix

Let $A$ be the $n\times n$ adjacency matrix of a (non-bipartite) graph. Assume that we are given the amplitudes of its eigenvalues, i.e., $|\lambda_1|=a_1,\ldots, |\lambda_n|=a_n$, and we would like ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Generating a random graph with constraints on spectrum

Consider two sequences $u_1 \geq u_2 \geq ... \geq u_n$ and $l_1 \geq l_2 \geq ... \geq l_n$ with $u_i \geq l_i$ for every $i$. Let $\mathcal{G}(l_{1:n},u_{1:n})$ be all undirected unweighted simple ...
Artem Kaznatcheev's user avatar
4 votes
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Optimal upper bound on the number of non-isomorphic graphs with certain parameter

What are the optimal (or best known) bounds (preferably exact or else asymptotic but not expectation on random graphs) on the number of non-isomorphic (unlabelled) simple (no self-loop), undirected ...
DurgaDatta's user avatar
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Which problems in graph theory can be stated as quadratic programs?

There seem to be many very interesting problems in graph theory that can be written in the form of maximizing/minimizing a quadratic form on either the Adjacency ${\bf A}$ or the Laplacian matrix ${\...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Bounds on the smaller eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of a graph

Are there any known (non-trivial) bounds (combinatorial in nature, based on poly-time computable properties of a graph) on the third, down to the smallest, eigenvalue of an (un-weighted) adjacency ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Extension of Cheeger's inequality with distinguished vertices

The standard Cheeger's inequality for graph $G$ states that $\frac{1}{2}$ $\lambda$ < $\phi(G)$ < $\sqrt{2\lambda}$ where $\lambda$ is the second smallest eigenvalue of the normalized ...
Brazen's user avatar
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expansion with respect to p-norms for p other than 2

Suppose I have an $d$-regular expander graph with $n$ vertices, where the stochastic version of its adjacency matrix $A$ (with entries $1/d$ and zero) has second eigenvalue $\lambda$. Let $x \in {\...
Cristopher Moore's user avatar
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Sampling from Multivariate Gaussian with Graph Laplacian (inverse) Covariance

We know from e.g. Koutis-Miller-Peng (based on work of Spielman & Teng), that we can very quickly solve linear systems $A x = b$ for matrices $A$ that are the graph Laplacian matrix for some ...
dan_x's user avatar
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In a resistor network, is there any relation between the shortest path and the maximum electric current path?

Consider a shortest path problem between the source $s$ and sink $t$ in an undirected weighted graph. There's a well known algorithm such as Dijkstra's algorithm that solves this problem. Naturally, ...
Federico Magallanez's user avatar
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Combinatorial method for computing the largest eigenvector of the adjacency matrix of a graph

Given a connected and non-bipartite graph $G=(V,E)$ with vertex set $V=\{1,\cdots, n\}$, let $A$ denote its adjacency matrix and let $deg(i)$ denote the degree of vertex $i$. Let $D$ be a diagonal ...
InfiniteLoops's user avatar
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Estimating graphs using random cuts

How easy is it to estimate a graph by observing only a few random cuts? Is there prior work related to this? I did google but could not find anything concrete. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Vedarun's user avatar
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Geometric picture behind quantum expanders

(also asked here, no replies) A $(d,\lambda)$-quantum expander is a distribution $\nu$ over the unitary group $\mathcal{U}(d)$ with the property that: a) $|\mathrm{supp} \ \nu| =d$, b) $\Vert \mathbb{...
Marcin Kotowski's user avatar
9 votes
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Applications of Spectral Graph Theory in Information and Coding Theory

I wanted to find out what are some application of SGT in the area of information and coding theory and maybe communications. The most related that comes to mind is the work on Expander Codes Michael ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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Bipartite maximum matching size from eigenvalues

Supposing we know the adjacency matrix $\mathcal{A}_{G}$ of a given regular (or irregular) bipartite graph $G$. Are there good lower and upper bounds to the size of maximum matching from the graph's ...
v s's user avatar
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Spectral gap for random bipartite regular graphs

For a graph $G$, let its Laplacian be $\Delta =I − D^{−1/2}AD^{−1/2}$, where $A$ is the adjacency matrix, $I$ is the identity matrix and $D$ is the diagonal matrix with vertex degrees. I'm ...
Marcin Kotowski's user avatar
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Making an adjacency matrix positive semidefinite

I would like to ask how can we transform an adjacency matrix of a graph into a positive semidefinite matrix. Of course, we could set self loops, but I do not know of any result indicating how we can ...
N27's user avatar
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Maximum imbalance in a graph?

Let $G$ be a connected graph $G = (V,E)$ with nodes $V = 1 \dots n$ and edges $E$. Let $w_i$ denote the (integer) weight of graph $G$, with $\sum_i w_i = m$ the total weight in the graph. The average ...
Lagerbaer's user avatar
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