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5 votes

Is there a problem known to have no fastest algorithm, up to polynomials?

This is essentially true for matrix multiplication, as shown in this paper: The "essentially" is because what they actually show is that this is ...
Huck Bennett's user avatar
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4 votes

Norm in the definition of sampling computational complexity class SampP

They use variation distance (page 8 in the linked paper), which is essentially $L_1$. For two discrete distributions $\|A - B\| = \frac12\sum_{\omega \in \Omega} |A(\omega) - B(\omega)|$.
Vladimir Lysikov's user avatar
2 votes

A potentially novel complexity measure for sets of strings

One possible measure of the "complexity" of a set of strings is the size of the minimal DFA that accepts exactly those strings (and no others). I can't tell whether this has the properties ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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