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2 votes

Escaping the cycle: Route planning in graphs with conditional logic

First, let's define/simplify the situation or condition. We have a graph with vertices and edges. Some edges are special, they open up (get activated) only after waiting for some time at the source. ...
Sreeragh A R's user avatar
5 votes

Orientations of an undirected graph

Here's an argument that falls a bit short of NP-hardness, but gives strong evidence that we shouldn't expect a polynomial time algorithm, even in the case when the graph is a star. Theorem 1: If there'...
Laakeri's user avatar
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9 votes

Orientations of an undirected graph

This problem is belongs to a family of problems referred to as Maximum (Undirected) Graph Orientation problem or similarly. It was described for example by Medvedovsky et al. [1] who also observed ...
Christian Komusiewicz's user avatar
3 votes

Graph canonization vs. NP

Indeed, not only does that seem to not be the case for GI, but one can prove a separation for other problems assuming only $\mathsf{P} \neq \mathsf{NP}$. Blass and Gurevich (SICOMP, 1984) showed that ...
Joshua Grochow's user avatar

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