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5 votes

Circuit uniformities more restrictive than $DLOGTIME$

One notion that seems stricter in principle is that of "O(1)-local reductions", in that each output bit of the reduction only depends on O(1) bits of the input (as well as using logtime ...
Ryan Williams's user avatar
5 votes

Proof of $DLOGTIME-CC^0 = MOD[<,bit]$

I have reached out to the authors of papers [1] and [2], and it seems that the claims were both in error, leaving this an open question.
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4 votes

Circuit uniformities more restrictive than $DLOGTIME$

DLOGTIME-uniformity is actually not the most commonly used uniformity notion, when defining Uniform $NC^1$. Typically, one would like "Uniform $NC^1$" to coincide with the class of problems ...
Eric Allender's user avatar
1 vote

Variable wire weights in DLOGTIME-uniform circuits

After re-reading Barrington et al., it seems that the case of $CC^0$ can be handled by using "group quantifiers", which allow for quantifiers to act over finite groups (i.e. $\mathbb{Z}/m\...
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