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Unanswered Questions

299 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
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Minimum vertex k-cut

Given an undirected graph $G = (V, E)$ and an integer $k$, the well-known minimum (edge) $k$-cut problem asks to find $E' \subseteq E$ with minimum $|E'|$ that the graph $(V, E \setminus E')$ has at ...
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Statistical Algorithms vs Convex Relaxations - Planted Clique

I am trying to understand exactly what the lower bounds for the query complexity of statistical algorithms imply for convex relaxations for the planted clique problem ? A recent paper by Feldman, ...
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0 answers

General Results for Complicated Constraint Satisfaction Problem

Consider the following problem: on a finite two-dimensional grid (say the grid points are vertices of a graph), I need to color the vertices in such a way to satisfy the existence and nonexistence of ...
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0 answers

Weighted vertex-connectivity; global min vertex-cut

I am interested in the following problem: Input: a connected undirected graph $G=(V,E)$; a positive weight for each vertex. Output: a minimum weight subset of $V$ whose removal disconnects $G$. When ...
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0 answers

Evaluate polynomial involving nearly-minimal graph cuts

So you want to evaluate the polynomial $$ p(x) = \sum_{C} x^{|C|} $$ where $C$ ranges over all nearly-minimum cuts in a graph (say, all minimal cuts of size $\alpha c$ where $c$ is the edge ...
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Restricted Reachability Problem

Let $G$ be a directed acyclic graph with $V$ vertices and $E$ edges. Choose some subset of $n\leq V$ "special" vertices $\{v_i\}_{i=1}^n$. How efficiently can we preprocess $(G, \{v_i\})$ so that we ...
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0 answers

Fine-Grained Hardness for Undirected Hamiltonicity

The fastest known algorithm for detecting Hamiltonian cycles in directed graphs on $n$ nodes runs in essentially $2^n\text{poly}(n)$ time. However, for undirected graphs on $n$ nodes, there is an ...
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0 answers

Minimum spanning tree, but with an unusual objective function

This is a problem that came up in my study of rumour networks. I was wondering if anyone had thoughts or references on this problem. If we have a rooted tree $T = (V,E)$ with root $r$, I first label ...
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0 answers

Is this problem in P? Given a bipartite graph, find a minimum cardinality set of edges which intersect every vertex cover

This problem came up in my study of digraphs: Given a connected bipartite graph $G = (A \cup B, E)$, a vertex cover is a set $S$ of vertices such that every edge has some endpoint in $S$. Note that $A$...
5 votes
0 answers

Does Depth-First-Search admit a quasilinear time algorithm in mutitape Turing Machine model?

Depth-First-Search (DFS) has a quasilinear (i.e.,$\widetilde{O}(m+n)$) time algorithm in random access model (RAM). I am curious about whether DFS still admits a $\widetilde{O}(m+n)$ time algorithm in ...
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Complexity of bounded degree full contraction

This paper defines the problem $\mathrm{B{\scriptsize OUNDED} \ D{\scriptsize EGREE}\ C{\scriptsize ONTRACTION}}$ as follows: Instance: A graph $G$ and two integers $d$ and $k$. Question: Is there a ...
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0 answers

Series-parallel extension of a partial order respecting a given total order

Consider a partial order $P$, a series-parallel order $Q$ and a total order $R$, such that $P \subseteq Q \subseteq R$. Given $P$ and $R$, we are asked to find $Q$ of minimum length. An $O(n^3)$ ...
5 votes
0 answers

Optimal polynomial time algorithm to determine if a random graph is $k$-colorable

Let $G(n, d/n)$ be an Erdos-Renyi graph with edge probablity $p = d/n$. For any fixed $k$ sufficiently large, it is known that $d_{k-col} \sim 2 k\log k$ is the sharp threshold for $G(n, d/n)$ to be $...
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0 answers

Finding almost minimum cycle

Given an undirected unweighted graph, the almost minimum cycle is defined as the cycle whose length is greater than that of a minimum cycle by at most one. Itai and Rodeh in a seminal paper in 1978 ...
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Online triangle counting

Please consider the following problem. It can (but probably shouldn't) be called offline version of online triangle detection on subgraphs. Given a graph $G$ and a collection $C$ of subsets of ...

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