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Jeffε's user avatar
Jeffε's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
6 votes

Is sorting pairwise distances as hard as sorting arbitrary points?

6 votes

Reference request: Shortest homotopic curve via vertex releases

3 votes

TCS conferences for undergraduate students?

8 votes

Intersection of two unsorted sets or lists

17 votes

Provable gaps between decision tree complexity and "true" complexity

6 votes

Fast extraction of pairs overlapping an interval

7 votes

What is the fastest algorithm for Weighted Planar Max Cut

4 votes

What's wrong with my linear programming formulation of longest path?

12 votes

Can we compute $n$ from the bits of $3^n$ in $O(n)$ time?

17 votes

Select two numbers that sum to $p$, using sub-linear query time

9 votes

Advanced techniques for determining complexity lower bounds

8 votes

Can we perform an n-d range search over an arbitrary box without resorting to simplex methods?

9 votes

Subset-sum-difference problem

5 votes

combinatorical embedding

5 votes

Minimum shortest path cover of $n$ vertices in $R^m$

2 votes

Minimum-Cost Flow Problem with Constraint on the Total Incoming/Outgoing Flow for the Vertices

13 votes

Shortest paths perturbation

4 votes

directed or bidirected in relation to mssp (Multiple source shortest path)

3 votes

A generalization of the geometric closest pair problem to balls

5 votes

Number of Maximum Overlap in n-Dimensions

4 votes

The Drawing Challenge - a problem I made up and can't solve!

6 votes

Max flow with conditional edges

14 votes

Algorithms as fractals

12 votes

Sorting using a black box

23 votes

P vs NP: Instructive example of when Brute Force search can be avoided

21 votes

Can one return to a TCS research job after an excursion to a non-research industry job?

28 votes

Is it sometimes better to not publish at all?

7 votes

Is it possible to test if a computable number is rational or integer?

13 votes

Multidimensional B+ tree

23 votes

Applications of Game theory in computer science?

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