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Charles Stewart's user avatar
Charles Stewart's user avatar
Charles Stewart
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
49 votes

Regular expressions aren't

49 votes

Small steps for better TCS conferences?

35 votes

Relationship between Turing Machine and Lambda calculus?

28 votes

Translating SAT to HornSAT

21 votes

Using lambda calculus to derive time complexity?

17 votes

Are lambda calculus and combinatory logic the same?

16 votes

What algorithms are known for computing Craig interpolants?

15 votes

When should you say what you know?

15 votes

What is the most intuitive dependent type theory I could learn?

14 votes

Does the System F with pairs have the strong normalisation and subject reduction properties?

13 votes

Higher-order algorithms

11 votes

Small steps for better TCS conferences?

11 votes

Automated theorem proving in linear logic

10 votes

Can we prove weak normalization for System F by induction on a transfinite ordinal

10 votes

What would it mean to disprove Church-Turing thesis?

8 votes

Why do we need formal semantics for predicate logic?

7 votes

Handbook of Logic in Computer Science - is it worth it?

7 votes

Looking for papers and articles on modal substructural logics

7 votes

Is there a systematic method for constructing lambda calculus terms that can distinguish between inputs?

7 votes

What is resolution ((in FOL))?

7 votes

Typing relations terminology – how do I read typing relations?

6 votes

Characterising invisible equivalences by confluent rewrite rules

6 votes

How are side effects handled in semantics?

6 votes

What are the most effective algorithms to find random number?

5 votes

Why can Lambda Calculus not represent some combinators?

5 votes

Looking for papers and articles on higher-order sequent systems

5 votes

Can consume/produce be modeled in linear logic?

4 votes

What is the difference between propositions and judgments?

3 votes

How hard is it to reduce termination to partial correctness?

2 votes

Dinner-table description of theoretical computer science?