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Noam Zeilberger's user avatar
Noam Zeilberger
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen this week
91 votes

Solid applications of category theory in TCS?

27 votes

What are the practical issues with intersection and union types?

21 votes

Discharged hypotheses in ->Introduction

19 votes

Implicit vs explicit subtyping

18 votes

What do we know about provably correct programs?

17 votes

Why do we need formal semantics for predicate logic?

15 votes

How are real numbers specified in computation?

13 votes

What is the difference between unification and anti-unification?

12 votes

Incomplete basis of combinators

12 votes

Representing bound variables with a function from uses to binders

10 votes

Cut-elimination for calculus with nats or other inductive datatype?

10 votes

Are there knot theoretic formulations of NP complete problems?

9 votes

Can all linear lambda calculi be linearity checked syntactically?

8 votes

Implementation of surreal numbers for games

8 votes

Looking for papers and articles on modal substructural logics

8 votes

Complexity of type inference in the simply typed lambda calculus

7 votes

Efficient way to generate random planar cubic bipartite graphs

7 votes

What is higher-order in higher-order abstract syntax?

7 votes

Continuation passing transform of binary functions

6 votes

Looking for papers and articles on higher-order sequent systems

6 votes

Are there semi-decision procedures for this theory?

6 votes

Density of semantics in syntax

6 votes

List of nice non-context-free languages

6 votes

What relations and differences are between formal semantics for linguistics and for programming languages?

5 votes

Faithful functors vs forgetful functors: exact category-theoretic defs?

4 votes

A Lambda calculus for invertible (r-Turing computable) functions

4 votes

Representations of Planar Graphs in Coq