It is well-known that polynomial diophantine equations are undecidable (Hilbert's 10th problem): that is, given a quantifier-free formula over the language $\{=, +, \cdot, 1\}$ (of equality, addition, multiplication, and the constant $1$), with free variables taking values in the integers, deciding whether the formula is satisfiable is undecidable.
If multiplication $\cdot$ is replaced by the binary greatest-common-divisor (gcd) function, defined appropriately for 0 and negative numbers, does the satisfiability problem remain undecidable?
For example, the input might be a formula like $$ a + b = c \land \gcd(a, b) = 2 \land \gcd(a, c) = 1 $$ or $$ \gcd(a, \gcd(b, c) + b) = a + c \land \lnot (\gcd(a, b) = a). $$
I suspect this to be a basic result in the study of decidability results for integer theories, but this came up in another context and I am not entirely familiar. From a brief literature search (see On Decidability Within the Arithmetic of Addition and Divisibility, Marius Bozga and Radu Iosif) I know of the following classical results:
The theory of $\{=, +, |\}$ (where $|$ is divisibility) allowing quantifiers is undecidable (Julia Robinson 1949).
The satisfiability of quantifier-free formulas over $\{=, +, |\}$ (i.e. existential fragment of the above) is decidable. (The diophantine problem for addition and divisibility, Leonard Lipshitz 1976.)
Divisibility can be defined in terms of gcd ($a \mid b \iff \gcd(a, b) = a$), but vice versa requires existential quantification ($\gcd(a, b) = c \iff (c \mid a) \land (c \mid b) \land \exists x \exists y.\; c = ax + by$), which won't work in quantifier-free formulas in a negated context, so at least at first glance I am not sure that gcd is equivalent to divisibility for the purposes of decidability.