Can someone point me to the reference for the non-definability of the modulus of continuity functional in PCF? $\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}}$ $\newcommand{\bool}{\mathsf{bool}}$
Andrej Bauer has written a very nice blog post exploring some of the issues in more detail, but I'll summarize just a bit of his post to lend some context to this question. The Baire space $B$ is the set of natural number sequences, or equivalently the set of functions from naturals to naturals $\N \to \N$. For this question, we will restrict our attention only to the streams which are computable.
Now, a function $f : B \to \bool$ is continuous if for every $xs \in B$, the value of $f(xs)$ depends only a finite number of the elements of $xs$, and it's computably continuous if we can actually compute an upper bound on how many elements of $xs$ are needed. In some models of computation, it's actually possible to write a program $\mathsf{modulus} : (B \to \bool) \to B \to \N$ which takes a computable function on the Baire space and an element of the Baire space, and gives back the upper bound on the number of elements of the stream.
One trick for implementing this is to use local storage to record the maximum index into the stream seen:
let modulus f xs =
let r = ref 0 in
let ys = fun i -> (r := max i !r; xs i) in
f ys;
Of course, the ys
argument is no longer a purely functional program. My interest in this program comes from the fact that it only makes use of local store, and is therefore extensionally pure. I work on (among other things) higher-order imperative programming, and am designing type theories which could classify this as a pure function.
There are more practical examples as well, involving things like memoization and connection pooling, but I find this a particularly beautiful example.