I wasn't sure what you were asking in Rev 1 of the question, but in Rev 4 you've added a more precise question that I can answer:
Can I get quadratic speed-up e.g. for finding a satisfying assignment to some quantified formular $\forall x \exists y\; \varphi(x,y)$?
Before that question can be answered, we have to make the model precise. We can think of Grover's algorithm as solving the following problem: $\exists x\; \varphi(x)$?
In this model you only have access to $\varphi(\cdot)$ through an oracle who will evaluate it at any input you like.
So another way of thinking of the same problem is that Grover's algorithm evaluates the following formula: $\varphi(1) \vee \varphi(2) \vee \ldots \vee \varphi(N)$.
And this can be done in $O(\sqrt{N})$ queries, where it would need $N$ queries (deterministically) and $\Omega(N)$ (bounded-error) classically.
Similarly, $\forall x \exists y\; \varphi(x,y)$ can be written as a formula using only AND, OR and NOT over the variables $\varphi(i)$. In fact, it is a formula in which every variable appears exactly once (such formulas are called "read-once").
A very general result in quantum algorithms says that any read-once formula over the gate set {AND, OR, NOT} over $N$ variables can be evaluated in $O(\sqrt{N})$ queries. This result has a long history, beginning with generalizations of Grover's algorithm to handle bounded-error inputs, a breakthrough result of Farhi, Goldstone, and Gutmann (Scott Aaronson's blog post), a beautiful connection with span programs, an SDP characterization of quantum query complexity, etc.
The final $O(\sqrt{N})$ bound for any read-once formula over that gate set is from "Reichardt, B.: Reflections for quantum query algorithms. In: 22nd SODA. (2011) 560–569"
This almost answers the quantum part of your question, unless I've misunderstood it. However the classical query complexity of read-once formulas isn't well understood, so I can't tell you whether you always get a provable quadratic speed up or not.
Sometimes you do get a quadratic speedup, as in Grover's algorithm. If the formula is balanced and each gate has fanin 2, i.e., if it looks like $\forall x_1 \exists x_2 \forall x_3 \ldots \varphi(x_1, \ldots x_n)$, then the best classical algorithm, which happens to be a zero-error randomized algorithm, needs $O(N^{0.753})$ queries, so it's not really a quadratic speedup.