Suppose that Alice receives a subset $S \subseteq \{1,\dots,n\}$ and Bob receives $T \subseteq \{1,\dots,n\}$. It is promised that $\lvert S \cap T \rvert = 1$. What is the randomized communication complexity of determining the common element $S \cap T$?
My interest in this is as follows. The zero-communication cost of this problem is $\log n$ since Alice and Bob can just guess $S \cap T$ using public coins and abort if they guess wrong. However, I can't think of an $O(\log n)$ cost communication protocol. Since it is not known whether zero-communication cost is much less than randomized communication cost, I am thinking that I am missing something obvious here.
Zero-communication cost is defined as follows. After Alice and Bob receive their inputs, they must not communicate at all. However, they share public coins, and they are allowed to answer with "abort". If neither party aborts, they must provide the correct answer with $2/3$ probability. The zero-communication cost is the negative log of the probability of not aborting. In arxiv:1204.1505 it is shown (among other things) that nearly all known lower bounds on communication complexity are in fact lower bounds for zero-communication.
Update: @Shitikanth showed that the communication complexity is $\Omega(n)$. So, apparently this gives a gap between communication cost and zero-communication cost. But arxiv:1204.1505 seems to give the impression that no such gap is known. What am I missing?