i am looking for literature on this kind of problem. $$ \begin{align} \min_x \max_k &\quad \sum_{i,j} x_{ij}c_{ijk}\\ \text{subject to}&\\ &\sum_j x_{ij}=1,&& \forall i\in\mathcal J\\ &x_{ij}\in\{0,1\},&& \forall i\in\mathcal J, j\in\mathcal M \end{align} $$
- $\mathcal J$ is a set of Jobs and $\mathcal M$ is a set of Machines.
- $c_{ij}$ is a vector and describes the cost of the job $i$ on the machine $j$. So the cost has multiple dimension.
The Aim of the programm is to find a schedule so that each job is scheduled on a machine and the biggest dimension of the add up cost vector is minimized.
The problem is described here:
http://arxiv.org/pdf/1211.5729v2.pdf (Page 2 left column bottom) as Generalized load balancing
and here:
http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid=A8FEB960E21CA0361066CD5200C02718?doi= (Page 4 left column) as generalized AP association problem
load balancing can be generalized in several ways, i.e. restrict that each job can only run on a specific set of machines. This is also a generalization of the scheduling problem.
I'm interested in the case where the scheduling is restricted and multidimensional. I'm looking for more literature for this problem.
Thank you