Consider the following problem: we are given $K$ tasks $\langle n_1, n_2, ..., n_K \rangle$. Every task $n_i$ is qualified with two parameters:
- The time it takes to be completed ($t_i$) and,
- The utility of completing it, $u_i$. Let us assume that $u_i$ is a scalar value which represents a revenue that is obtained after completing task $n_i$ (so that we are rewarded $u_i$ after $t_i$).
All tasks are affordable and there are no constraints among them. Once one is started it has to be completed before permuting to a different one. It is clear that the total revenue is constant and it is equal to $U=\sum\limits_{i=1}^K u_i$. It is also obvious that this reward will be obtained in a total time equal to $T=\sum\limits_{i=1}^K t_i$.
We are interested, however, in computing the best arrangement (or permutation) of the $K$ tasks that anticipates the rewards as much as possible
Two quick questions:
- What are the known approaches to this problem?
- What if $u_i$ is defined as a function over time so that we are rewarded while we are completing the task?
What follows is a particular attempt to put the problem on a formal basis so that comments to this part would be also very welcome. Answers are not expected to necessarily go along the same lines:
For a particular arrangement $\pi:\langle n_1, n_2, ..., n_K \rangle$ let us $X$ denote the random variable that represents the utility over the interval $(0,T]$. Thus, let $f_{\pi, t} = p(X=x,t)$ denote the probability that the random variable $X$ is exactly equal to $x$ in the instant $t\leq T$. This reasoning suggests that the optimization metric should be the area inscribed by the density function: $F_{\pi, t}=p(X\leq x, t)$. Both $f$ and $F$ are subscripted with $\pi$ and $t$ because every problem defines different curves and different values of $t$ yield different results.
This would lead to the following formal definition of our problem:
Given $K$ tasks $\langle n_1, n_2, ..., n_K \rangle$ each qualified with the utility $u_i$ of completing it and the time required to complete it, $t_i$ find the optimal permutation $\pi^*$ among the $K!$ plausible permutations $\pi$ such that the following is maximized:
$\sum\limits_{t=1}^T F_{\pi,t}$
Thank you very much,