In complexity class $\mathsf{P}$, there are some problems conjectured NOT to be in the class $\mathsf{NC}$, i.e. problems with deterministic parallel algorithms. Maximum Flow problem is one example. And there are problems BELIEVED to be in $\mathsf{NC}$, but a proof is not found yet.
Perfect Matching problem is one of the most fundamental problem raised in graph theory: given a graph $G$, we have to find a perfect matching for $G$. As I could found on the internet, despite of the beautiful polynomial time Blossom algorithm by Edmonds, and a RANDOMIZED parallel algorithm by Karp, Upfal and Wigderson in 1986, only a few subclasses of graphs are known to have $\mathsf{NC}$ algorithms.
In Jan. 2005 there's a post in the blog Computational Complexity that claims it remains open whether Perfect Matching is in $\mathsf{NC}$. My question is:
Is there any progress since then, beyond the randomized $\mathsf{NC}$ algorithm?
To clarify my interest, any algorithm which deals with GENERAL graphs are nice. Although algorithms for subclasses of graphs are OK too, that may be not on my attentions. Thank you all!
EDIT at 12/27:
Thank you for all your help, I try to summarize all the results in one figure:
The lowest known classes contain the following problems:
- Matching in general graphs: $\mathsf{RNC}$ [KUW86], $\mathsf{RNC}^2$ [CRS93]
- Matching in bipartite planar/constant genus graphs: $\mathsf{UL}$/$\mathsf{SPL}$ [DKT10]/[DKTV10]
- Matching when the total number is polynomial: $\mathsf{SPL}$ [H09]
- Lex-first maximal matching: $\mathsf{CC}$ [MS89]
Furthermore, under plausible complexity assumption: $\mathsf{SPACE[n]}$ requires exponential circuits, Matching in general graphs is in $\mathsf{SPL}$ [ARZ98].