In the following, we will describe what seems to be a parameterized version of the minimum circuit size problem (MCSP).
- Before we get started, we need the following concepts:
For every natural number $n$, consider a function $B_n: [n] \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{\lceil \log(n) \rceil}$ such that $B_n(i)$ is the $i$th bit string in $\{0,1\}^{\lceil \log(n) \rceil}$ according to the lexicographical ordering. (Example: $B_7(5) = 100$)
Now, let a bit string $x$ of length $n$ be given. Let a boolean circuit $C$ with $\lceil \log(n) \rceil$ inputs and $1$ output be given. We say that $C$ computes $x$ if for every $i \in [n]$, $C(B_n(i)) = x_i$. In other words, $C$ computes $x$ one bit at a time.
- Now, consider the following parameterized problem:
Given a bit string $x$ of length $n$ and a natural number $k$, does there exist a boolean circuit $C$ of size at most $k \log(n)$ that computes $x$?
If there are only $g(n,k)$ circuits of size $k\log(n)$, then we can solve this problem in roughly $n * k\log(n) * g(n,k)$ time by trying every possible circuit and evaluating each one on all $n$ inputs.
Question: What is the parameterized complexity of this problem?
This question has several parts:
Are any more efficient algorithms known?
Is this problem related to any standard parameterized complexity classes? For example, the problem could be $FPT$. Or, it could be $W[1]$-hard or harder.
Are there any known parameterized complexity results or conditional lower bounds for the minimum circuit size problem?