NP-hard problems with very fast exact exponential-time algorithms, say with $O(1.01^n)$ time, are very rare.
Is any fact like
"For any constant $\epsilon>0$ there is an NP-hard 'natural' problem $\Pi_{\epsilon}$ that is not solvable in subexponential time $O(2^{o(n)})$ (assuming ETH) but can be solved in $O\left((1+\epsilon)^n\right)$ time by an exact algorithm."
in the literature somewhere?
(Actually, I am not able to find such an NP-hard problem that can be solved in time near $O(1.01^n)$.)
I do not have a formal definition for natural problems. (but I think each of us has an idea what a natural problem should be?)
Searching the literature I found the following paper which is very close to my question.
The informal discussion on page 2 of this paper is perhaps what I mean
by natural (graph)problems. On page 15, the authors also ask for (sporadic)
problems not solvable in subexponential time but have very fast exponential-time
algorithms. (My question goes a step further by expressing 'very fast' in $\epsilon$:
Given $\epsilon$, is there such a problem, depending on $\epsilon$, that can solved in
$O((1+\epsilon)^n)$ time?)