Consider the class of functions computable in time $(b+o(1))^n = 2^{\log_2{(b)} \times n + o(n)}$ on a $2$-tape Turing machine.
By the Hennie-Stearns theorem, the same functions are computable in time $(b+o(1))^n$ on a $k$-tape Turing machine for any $k \geq 2$. And we can extend this equivalence to any model of computation that has an essentially linear time translation to and from $2$-tape machines. But this isn't a very natural class, even given that we believe in the extended Church-Turing thesis.
If we account for the space usage as well, more models are time-translatable with a blowup of the form $O(t \times s^k)$. For example, when emulating a $2$-tape machine on a $1$-tape machine, it only has to scan the space used each time step, so the time blowup is $O(t \times s)$. Similarly, it seems like for RAM models there is a small $k$ that works: use one tape as an associative memory, a list of key-value pairs, which the emulator searches to find a key written on a different tape.
Now it seems sensible to say something like this: $F$ is computable in $(b+o(1))^n$ time and $2^{o(n)} = (1+o(1))^n$ space. I don't have to say what model I'm using because all the obvious ones work. There is sort of a trade-off here, in exchange for a subexponential space restriction, we can specify a particular base $b$ for the time complexity of our function that's invariant in a larger context.
That's about as far as I understand this issue right now. And I could be completely mistaken about something so partly I'm looking for some reassurance that the above is roughly correct. But I wonder if that's all there is to it? Is there some other set of assumptions under which the exponential time base of a function can be uniquely specified?
EXAMPLE: Rubinstein's theorem says that we can factor with base $2^\frac{1}{3}$. Since the algorithm uses subexponential space, this result is robust across models.
EXAMPLE: The square-root barrier for finding primes. If it were broken by exhibiting an algorithm that required exponential space on a Turing machine, would that really be a natural result, or possibly just an artifact of the machine model?
EXAMPLE: The Strong Exponential-Time Hypothesis. Might it be the case that a RAM program can solve general $\text{CNF-SAT}$ in exponential time with a base less than $2$, but also requiring exponential space, so that when translated to a TM the algorithm runs in exponential time with a base at least $2$ and (a slightly-weakened version of) SETH is true in the TM model only? Is there a variant of SETH where only subexponential space algorithms are considered in order to make it applicable to more models? Or is there some reason I'm not understanding that no generality is lost without this assumption?