I'm looking for a subgraph isomorphism algorithm that takes advantage of properties of graph sequences.
Say $\{G_i\}_{i=1}^k$ is a sequence of graphs on vertex set $\{1 ... n\}$, and two consecutive elements $G_i$ and $G_{i+1}$ differ by an edge (i.e. either $G_{i+1}$ have one edge more than $G_i$, or one edge less than $G_i$).
Let $H$ be a graph not depending on $i$.
The problem is:
Determine whether $H$ is a subgraph of some $G_i$.
The naive algorithm, running subgraph isomorphism from scratch on every $(G_i,H)$, has time complexity $kM$, where $M$ is the time complexity of one instance of $(G_i,H)$.
Question: Is it possible to design a deterministic algorithm faster in terms of worst-case running time? If $N(k)$ is the maximum time needed to check $k$ graphs, is it possible to achieve $\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty} \frac{N(k)}{k}<M$?
Does it help if the graphs $G$ and $H$ are very sparse (say, maximum degree≤4)?