$\newcommand{\Type}{\text{Type}}\newcommand{\id}{\text{id}}\newcommand{\map}{\text{map}}$ In attempting to answer the question: Rigorous proof that parametric polymorphism implies naturality using parametricity? I tried showing that one obtains the theory of relational functors by applying the parametricity translation to the theory of functors, where relational functors are defined in Logical Relations and Parametricity - A Reynolds Programme for Category Theory and Programming Languages.
Specifically, if we are given \begin{align*} F_! &: \Type\to\Type\\ F_{\map} &: (A,B:\Type)\to(A\to B)\to(F_!A\to F_!B)\\ F_{\id}&:(A:\Type)\to F_{\map}(\id(A)) = \id(F_!A) \end{align*}
I was able to show (with generous hand-waving) that \begin{align*} F_!^R &: (A,B:\Type)\to \text{Rel}(A,B)\to\text{Rel}(F_!A,F_!B)\\ F_\map^R &:(A_0,A_1: \Type)\to(A^R:\text{Rel}(A_0,A_1))\to (B_0,B_1:\Type)\to(B^R:\text{Rel}(B_0,B_1))\\ &\quad\to(f_0:A_0\to B_0)\to(f_1 : A_1\to B_1)\\ &\quad\to((x_0:A_0)\to(x_1:A_1)\to A^R(x_0,x_1)\to B^R(f_0x_0,f_1x_1))\\ &\quad\to(x_0 : F_! A_0)\to(x_1 : F_! A_1)\to F_!^R(A_0,A_1,A^R,x_0,x_1) \\ &\quad\to F_!^R(B_0,B_1,B^R,F_\map (A_0,B_0,f_0,x_0),F_\map (A_1,B_1,f_1,x_1)) \end{align*}
But I am having trouble showing that $F_\id^R$ gives some form of the identity extension property, namely that $$A:\Type\vdash F_!^R(A,A,\text{Id}(A)) = \text{Id}(F_!^RA) $$
It seems to me that the pair $(F,F^R)$ should give a relational functor in the sense of definition 6.1.
Is my intuition that this should be the case correct, and if so, is there some higher level explanation for this (perhaps some sort of Yoneda embedding?)?