Let $X$ and $Y$ be finite sets and $f : X \times Y \to \{0,1\}$. I am confused about the definition of the deterministic communication complexity of $f$, denoted $N^1(f)$, or rather about the motivation for the definition. The definition that I have seen is that $N^1(f)$ is $N^1(f) = \log C^1(f)$ where $C^1(f)$ is the minimal number of monochromatic rectangles needed to cover the $1$-region of the matrix representation of $f$.
I imagine this definition is really a result hidden in a definition and I am trying to work that out - what follows has a few subquestions, but I thought it was fitting to ask all of this as one question since I think a few words from a pro will set me straight with all of this confusion.
Nondeterministic communication protocols:
We could define a nondeterministic communication protocol in the same way as a usual communication protocol, but allow the internal nodes to be labeled by multiple possible functions - so a single nonleaf node $v$ will be labeled by functions $a_v^1,...,a_v^{n_v} : X \to \{0,1\}$ (if it is an Alice node) or $b_v^1,...,b_v^{n_v} : Y \to \{0,1\}$ (if it is a Bob node). We say such a nondeterministic protocol computes $f$ if for all $(x,y) \in X \times Y$ we have $f(x,y) =1$ if and only if there is some possible choice of vertex function for each $v$, from $a_v^i$ or $b_v^j$ given, such that with all those choices, the corresponding deterministic protocol evaluates to 1 on $(x,y)$. We then can define the complexity of $f$ with respect to this model as the minimum depth of such a protocol that computes $f$ - for a second let me call this complexity $\kappa(f)$.
If I said that definition correctly, we should have $\kappa(f) = N^1(f)$. Is this the case? In particular, such a nondeterministic protocol should yield a monochromatic covering of the 1-region of the matrix representing $f$. Well that part I can see, namely we have the covering that takes the union over all branches of the computation of the union overall leaves labeled 1 of the corresponding rectangle. Or for the sake of having notation $\cup_B \cup_v R_v^B$ where $B$ is a possible branch and $v$ is a leaf labeled $1$. Well I don't exactly see how that helps (that could be a huge cover since we have no control over the number of branches). Did I mess up the definition of the model?
Another try - nondeterminism as a proof system:
Well, this is supposed to work also. I suppose I want to know modify the model to allow $a_v : X \times A \to \{0,1\}$ where the element of $A$ is some proof a verifier gives us. I'm a bit confused on the details of this model though - should Alice and Bob both have the same set $A$ or should Bob have a different set so his functions look like $b_v : Y \times B \to \{0,1\}$? Does it matter what $A$ and $B$ are (i.e., $\{0,1\}$ or $\{0,1\}^*$)? We then can define the complexity with respect to this model - is this again $N^1(f)$?