Consider a straight line program of length $L$ that takes one input $x \in \mathbb{R}$ and computes a polynomial $p(x)$, using only addition, multiplication (including multiplication by constants). We allow the degree to be very large: potentially $2^{\Theta(L)}$.
Question: Is there an $O(\operatorname{poly}(L)n^\theta)$ algorithm for computing the $n$th coefficient of $p(x)$, with $\theta < 1$?
I roughly want to say "assume exact arithmetic", but there is a subtlety in that sufficiently large exact arithmetic might allow cheating. It's possible Blum-Shub-Smale (BSS) is the right model, but I am not confident.
My guess is that the answer is (sadly) no, since all the straight line program polynomial algorithms I can find either (1) are linear or superlinear in degree or (2) assume $p(x)$ is sparse.
More details: I should add why I think $O(L^{O(1)} n^\theta)$ is the most interesting complexity goal, and unfortunately why I think it’s unobtainable. First, direct evaluation of all coefficients using FFT multiplication gives $O(L n \log n)$, so the goal is a slight reduction in the exponent of $n$. Ignoring dependence on $L$, this is achievable: there are baby step/giant step methods which achieve $O(n^{1/2})$ for any holonomic sequence (Bostan and Yurkevich 2020) is a nice example). However, the complexity of the holonomic recurrence grows badly with $L$, and I believe the total complexity is $2^{O(2^L)}n^{1/2}$. So the question is asking whether one can reduce the exponent on $n$ without blowing up the dependence on $L$.
Unfortunately, my best guess is that this is impossible, and specifically that it would contradict SETH. I don’t know how to do that reduction without losing precision on $\theta$, however.