Update: After some clarification, the final clarified version turns out to be too simple (see the accepted answer). I'm still interested in the multigraph and promised version mentioned in the comments below.
Alice receives two simple undirected graphs $G_A=(V, E_A)$ and $H_A=(V, F_A)$. Similarly, Bob receives $G_B=(V, E_B)$ and $H_B=(V, F_B)$
How much communication do Alice and Bob need to communicate in order to check if $G=(V,E_A\cup E_B)$ is isomorphic to $H=(V, F_A\cup F_B)$?
For deterministic protocol, a simple fooling set argument is enough to show $\Omega(n^2)$ lower bound, where $n$ is the number of vertices. (This holds even when $G$ is given to Alice and $H$ is given to Bob.)
Is it known in the literature that randomized protocols (with two-sided errors allowed) require $\Omega(n^2)$ communication, or even $\omega(n)$? Note that if $G$ is given to Alice and $H$ is given to Bob, there is a simple $n \cdot polylog(n)$ randomized protocol.
Note: I am also interested in the version where multi-edges are allowed in $G$ and $H$.