A subspace $S$ of a metric space $A$ is compact if it is complete and totally bounded. Here, complete means that every Cauchy sequence in $S$ has a limit also in $S$. For $S$ to be totally bounded, we must have for every radius $r$, that there is a finite set $U$ of open balls of radius $r$ whose union covers $S$.
I would like to know if anyone has studied spaces where the size of $U$ is bounded by a function of $r$ -- for example, where $U(r)$ is $O(\frac{1}{r}^k)$ for some $k$.
The reason I am curious is that I am investigating models of reactive programming (ie, stream functions), where boolean streams are given the Cantor metric (two streams have a distance of $2^{-n}$ when the first position at which they differ at time $n$), and programs between streams are interpreted by functions continuous with respect to this metric. While the continuity requirement functions nicely capture causality requirements very well, it unfortunately also permits stream functions to require their whole history to compute a value (that is, functions $f(x)$ may require their whole history $x_0, \ldots, x_n$ to compute $f(x)$ at time $n$).
One idea I have for understanding this phenomenon is that the Cantor space is compact, and that at radius $2^{-n}$ you need $2^n$ balls to cover the space -- that is, there are $2^n$ length-$n$ binary sequences. So I have a vague idea that if somehow there were a way of equipping the Cantor space with an even coarser metric, I could model computations which are permitted to remember less of their input. (Eg, a polynomial bound would permit you to use space logarithmic in the elapsed time.)