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What theorems are interesting in a monad?

In a monad, one can prove that the Kleisli composition is associative, and eta is its right and left unit, this is the famous monoid in the endofunctor category: ...
Gergely's user avatar
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Can the initial algebra of a 2-variable polynomial functor be computed on the diagonal?

Given a polynomial functor $F$, its initial algebra is denoted by $\mu X.F(X)$. Now, if $F$ is a 2-variable polynomial functor, $Y \mapsto \mu X.F(X,Y)$ turns out to be functorial and we can, again, (...
sparusaurata's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What category are Tagless Final Algebras final In?

The Haskell and Scala community have been very enamored recently with what they call tagless final 'pattern' of programming. These are referenced as dual to initial free algebras, so I was wondering ...
Henry Story's user avatar
2 votes
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Does an initial algebra for a class have to belong to the class itself?

In the context of algebraic data types, a concept of initial algebras is usually defined, e.g., in the following way: An algebra $S$ is initial in a class $C$ of algebras iff for every $A\in C$ ...
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10 votes
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What kind of theoretical object corresponds to a C++ concept?

I am lacking a background in theoretical computer science but I would have liked to understand to what kind of theoretical objects C++ concepts corresponds to. Basically, C++ concepts allow to define ...
Vincent's user avatar
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33 votes
12 answers

Algebra oriented branch of theoretical computer science

I have a very strong base in algebra, namely commutative algebra, homological algebra, field theory, category theory, and I am currently learning algebraic geometry. I am a math major with an ...
spaceman_spiff's user avatar
2 votes
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Composition series and isogeny

I'm not sure this question is appropriate for this site, but it might have some connections with computational algebra. Consider a fixed "category" $\sf{Cat}$ (in the sense of category theory, but ...
NisaiVloot's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Data Structure isomorphisms

Disclaimer: I am not a CS theorist. Coming from abstract algebra, I'm used to dealing with things that are equal up to a isomorphism - but I'm having a trouble translating this concept to data ...
anon's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Proof of a unique homomorphism from an initial object

What is the proof that there is only one homomorphism from an initial object to another object?
Jason Reich's user avatar