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Oracle relative to which $\mathsf{BPP}$ is not contained in $Δ_2 \mathsf{P}$

Complexity Zoology by Greg Kuperberg states that there is a language $X$ such that $\mathsf{BPP}^X \nsubseteq \mathsf{\Delta_2 \mathsf{P}}^X$ — in other words, $\mathsf{BPP}^X \nsubseteq \mathsf{P}^{\...
Tsuyoshi Ito's user avatar
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Manuel's trick and oracle separation

Impagliazzo gave a talk last week at Simons Institute on oracle separation. At minute 5:34 he asks whether a one-way permutation can be constructed given oracle access to a random function oracle. ...
user34681's user avatar
3 votes
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Oracle separating $coNP$ and $NP/poly$

I'd like to prove that, with respect to some adversarial oracle $O$, $coNP^O \not\subseteq NP/poly^O$. I was thinking of using $\textsf{UNSAT}$ for this and to build my oracle as follows: $O$ will "...
user1033363's user avatar