Consider the following problem: given a number $n$, an alphabet $\Sigma$, and a finite language $L$, how many strings of length $n$ in $\Sigma^*$ contain at least one word $w\in L$? E.g. abcgodef
contains the word go
This is a toy problem I want to use to demonstrate the power of an algorithm I developed. I implemented it as a trivial python script, and was able to solve the above problem for $n = 50, \Sigma = [a-z], |L| = 5$ on my laptop.
Does anyone know of an existing technique capable of this? That is, can anyone calculate the answer, or am I the only one? (When I finish my paper, I'll be happy to link it here if people are interested).
Specifically, $L$ was
['the', 'of', 'and', 'you', 'that']