It is well known that each resolution refutation $\Pi$ for an unsatisfiable CNF formula $F = C_1\wedge C_2 \wedge ... \wedge C_m$ over variables $X$ can be translated in polynomial time (in the size of $\Pi$) into a deterministic branching program $P$ solving the following search problem:
1) $P$ has one source node and one sink node for each clause $C_i$.
2) For each assingment $\alpha:X\rightarrow \{0,1\}$ there is a consistent path in $P$ from the source node to some sink node associated with a clause that is falsified by $\alpha$.
Question: Is there a proof system strictly stronger than resolution where each proof $\Pi$ can be translated in polynomial time (in the size of $\Pi$) into a not necessarily deterministic branching program $P$ solving the search problem above?