Is well known that the lower bound on number of example necessary to reach a given error for concept classes $\Omega(d/\varepsilon)$ (cf. also Agnostic PAC sampling lower bound )
I am looking for the lower bound of example necessary to define a real value bound function as PAC learnable, given a VC dimension, bound and precision.
I have found in this '92 paper by Haussler some bounds for finite and infinite sets some bounds. E.g. for a finite set of $|F|$ bounded function $0 \leq f \leq M$, theorem 1 states that $$ m \geq \frac{M^2}{2\epsilon^2} \left( \textrm{ln}|F| + \frac{2}{\delta}\right),$$ with probability $\delta$. Where $m$ is the number of training examples needed, and $\epsilon$ is defined as the "regret", that is the difference between the optimal and empirical risks.
I was wondering:
- if there is a result regarding the optimal risk as well and evaluate the total risk, like for the concept classes bounds
- if there are new results regarding these bounds for real-valued functions.