PAC guarantees provide us a a learning algorithm $A_n(\cdot)$ and sample complexity bound $n_{\mathcal{F}}(\epsilon,\sigma)$ that ensures $ P\left[L_P(A(\mathcal{D}^n))-L_P(f^*)\leq \epsilon\right]\geq 1-\sigma $ when $n>n_{\mathcal{F}}(\epsilon,\sigma)$.
On the other hand we say that the hypothesis class $\mathcal{F}$ is non-uniformly learnable if we can provide a sample complexity $n_{\mathcal{F}}(\sigma,\epsilon,f)$ and a learning algorithm $A(\cdot)$, such that $ P\left[L_P(A(\mathcal{D}^n))-L_P(f)\leq \epsilon\right]\geq 1-\sigma $ when $n>n_{\mathcal{F}}(\sigma,\epsilon,f)$.
Non-uniform learnability is a relaxation of PAC learnability since $ P\left[L_P(A(\mathcal{D}^n))-L_P(f^*)\leq \epsilon\right]\geq 1-\sigma \implies P\left[L_P(A(\mathcal{D}^n))-L_P(f)\leq \epsilon\right]\geq 1-\sigma $ but the contrary is not true, namely $\mathcal{F}$ may be non-uniform learnable but not PAC learnable. My question is, if we are given a non-uniformly learnable class $\mathcal{F}$ and we define $n_{\mathcal{F}}(\sigma,\epsilon)=\sup_{f \in \mathcal{F}} n_{\mathcal{F}}(\sigma,\epsilon,f)$, does it become PAC learnable? or the supremum over an uncountable set nullifies the implication? Making the complexity bound vacuous?
Thanks for any clarification