I am using https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~toni/Courses/CommComplexity2014/Lectures/lecture12.pdf as a reference.
This isn't exactly a research question but I can't find a good place to ask it.
Suppose we have $f:X\times Y \to Z$, $u$ a distribution on $X\times Y$, and $\delta >0$.
Now consider communication protocols that allow both public and private randomness- this means a distribution (the public randomness) on a set of computation trees, each node of which has a player's name, and two edges outgoing marked by $0,1$, and the node gets as info the private randomness of that player; the leafs have no player's name, and instead just contain the output of the protocol (an element of $Z$).
If $\prod$ is a protocol computing $f$ with at most $\delta$ error (the probabiliy space is over both inputs, public and private randomness), we let abuse of notation use $\prod$ as a random variable of a string of what they players said in addition to the public randomness (to clarify, it's a pair ($R,T$) where $R$ is the public random and $T$ the transcript). We can define its external information complexity to be $I_{u,\delta}(X,Y;\prod)$.
We also define the internal information complexity to be
$I(X;\prod|Y)+I(Y;\prod|X)$, intuitively the first summand should be what player $B$ (who got $Y$) learns about $X$, and similiarly for the second.
What confuses me is shouldn't we also condition on the private randomness here?
I.e $I(X;\prod|Y,PR(Y))+I(Y;\prod|X,PR(X))$