Any $r$-regular bipartite graph can be partitioned into $r$ disjoint perfect matchings. I want to know whether a version of this extends to perfect $b$-matchings.
Suppose we have a bipartite graph $G = (V,E)$. Given a vector $b \in \mathbb{Z}^V$, a perfect $b$-matching is an edge-subgraph $E'$ such that each vertex $v$ in $(V,E')$ has degree exactly $b_v$.
Now I have a bipartite graph and a collection of vectors $b^1, \ldots, b^k$. I am guaranteed that for each $b^i$, there exists a perfect $b^i$ matching in my graph, and that $deg(v) = \sum_{i=1}^k b^i_v$ for all $v$.
Question: Can I partition the edges of my bipartite graph into $k$ parts, where for each $i$, the i'th part is a perfect $b^i$-matching?
Attempt: I have proved this for $k=2$. Indeed, I can immediately remove the guaranteed $b_1$ matching, and because of the degree condition, the remaining edges will form a perfect $b_2$-matching.
However, the cases for $k \geq 3$ is unclear to me.... I suspect it is false. Does anyone know one way or the other?
Thank you for your help