Johnson-Lindenstrauss (JL) lemma shows that for any vector $u$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$, the vector $\frac{1}{\sqrt{k}}Ru$ satisfies $(1-\epsilon)\|u\|\leq \frac{1}{k}\|Ru\|^2\leq (1+\epsilon)\|u\|$ with probability $1-2e^{-k\epsilon^2/4}$, when $R$ is a $k\times d$ random matrix with each entry i.i.d. chosen as $\mathcal{N}(0,1)$ ($1\leq k \leq d$ is arbitrary at this point). See this note for example.
Let $A$ be a positive-semidefinite $d\times d$ matrix acting on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with largest eigenvalue $\lambda$. Let $A'= \frac{1}{k}RA R^{T}$ with the largest eigenvalue $\lambda'$. It is easy to argue from JL and union bound that the Frobenius norm satisfies $(1-\epsilon)\|A\|_2\leq \|A'\|_2\leq (1+\epsilon)\|A\|_2$ with probability $0.999$, when $k\geq \frac{6\log d}{\epsilon^2}$.
Question: Does
$(1-\epsilon)\lambda\leq \lambda' \leq (1+\epsilon)\lambda$
hold with high probability, for $k= \frac{O(\log d)}{\epsilon^2}$ or any $k$ that scales as $polylog(d)$ for a given constant $\epsilon$? In other words, does JL approximately preserve the largest eigenvalue of a matrix?