I attached a picture, where the energy dissipation (entropy increase) on information erasure is explained. Is the explanation correct?
- "RESTORE TO ONE" - is it correct to identify the operation as "information erasure"? It looks like a negation, not like "information erasure".
- I would say that the erasurement would be performed, when the "ball" (the black dot near "0" in the picture) would be returned to the meta-stable point between 0 and 1.
- Maybe the intention of the author was to show, that "negation" has "erasurement" embedded in it? Then, he states that "computing depends on information erasure" - this statement is too strong? - we have reversible computation that do not erase information, correct?
- The picture and point 2. (above) seem to be a very good metaphore of Landauer's principle. Does it match Landauer's principle closely, or maybe even perfectly - or is it just a picture to help only conceptually understand the principle?
(PS. A better title is welcomed..)