Given $G = (V,E)$ I can formulate a relaxation of graph $K$-coloring as:
find feasible point s.t.
$\min \sum_{ij}v_{ij}$
for all $(i,j)$ in $E$
$z_{ij} \le (c_i - c_j) \bmod k$ (i)
$z_{ij} \le (c_j - c_i) \bmod k$ (ii)
$z_{ij} + v_{ij} \ge 1$ (iii)
Think of the last as something like the soft margin constraint for an SVM.
In other words, all $c_i$ are real numbers and the absolute modulo $k$ difference between all adjacent $c_i,c_j$ must be greater than 1. It seems like a sensible notion of an update to de-violate constraints is to increase a given variable $c_i$ to make minimize the objective, then hop to a neighbor with infeasible edges and do the same, repeat, etc. Each greedy local update is natural.
What sort of issues would this formulation encounter if I tried to put it into practice? Could I get a reasonable approximation procedure from it, or would I be stuck with a heuristic, or is it likely to fall into some sort of weird cyclic behavior.
In general, what can I do and not do with modulo constraints for linear programming?
denotes “mod” with a large preceding space. Please use\bmod
to denote “mod” used as a binary operator. $\endgroup$