Recall the diameter of a graph $G$ is the length of a longest shortest path in $G$. Given a graph, an obvious algorithm for computing $\text{diam}(G)$ solves the all-pairs shortest path problem (APSP) and returns the length of the longest path found.
It is known that the APSP problem can be solved in optimal $O(n^2)$ time for several graph classes. For general graphs, there is an algebraic graph theoretic approach running in $O(M(n) \log n)$ time, where $M(n)$ is the bound for matrix multiplication. However, computing the diameter is apparently not critically linked to APSP, as shown by Yuster.
Are some non-trivial graph classes known for which the diameter can be computed even faster, say in linear time?
I am especially interested in chordal graphs, and any subclasses of chordal graphs such as block graphs. For example, I think the diameter of a chordal graph $G$ can be computed in $O(n+m)$ time, if $G$ is uniquely representable as a clique tree. Such a graph is also known as ur-chordal.