There are plenty of situations where a randomized "proof" is much easier than a deterministic proof, the canonical example being polynomial identity testing.
Question: Are there any natural mathematical "theorems" where a randomized proof is known but a deterministic proof is not?
By a "randomized proof" of a statement $P$ I mean that
There is a randomized algorithm that takes an input $n > 0$ and if $P$ is false produces a deterministic proof of $\neg P$ with probability at least $1-2^{-n}$.
Someone has run the algorithm for, say, $n = 100$, and not disproved the theorem.
It's easy to generate non-natural statements that fit: just pick a large instance of any problem where only an efficient randomized algorithm is known. However, although there a lot of mathematical theorems with "lots of numerical evidence", such as the Riemann hypothesis, I don't know of any with rigorous randomized evidence of the above form.