Consider a regular language $L$ with alphabet $\Sigma = \{0,1\}$. Can we say that the set of strings in $L$ (representing non-negative integers in binary encoding) when represented in some other encoding (say unary, or, decimal) also form a regular language ?
Formally, is it the case that the language $L' = \{w | w \in 1^*, \exists w' \in L \text{ such that the unary encoding of } w' \text{ is } w \}$ also regular?
What happens when the base is shifted to a lower number? For example can we also say anything about the following language: $L'' = \{w | w \in \{0,1,2\}^*, \exists w' \in L \text{ such that the ternary encoding of } w' \text{ is } w \}$