Here is a relatively recent answer that answers this (mostly) in the affirmative:
Pseudospectral Shattering, the Sign Function, and Diagonalization in Nearly Matrix Multiplication Time
Where the complexity for a $\delta$ additive backwards error is $O(T_{MM}(n) \cdot \log^2(\frac{n}{delta})$, for finding a matrix V, and a diagonal matrix D such that $$||A-VDV^{-1}||<\delta$$ where $T_{MM}(n)$ is the time to stably compute a matrix product. There is also a talk by the authors that gives a good overview of the ideas behind the algorithm, and goes over the theoretical complexity of matrix diagonalization.
The algorithm uses some clever ideas in order to make a divide and conquer approach work, and exploits the fact that while the conditioning for eigendecomposition can be very poor, every matrix is close to some well conditioned problem (hence yielding backwards stability, a solution to a $\delta$ nearby problem).
I'm not an expert on the topic, but here is a brief explanation of the ideas in the paper. The term "pseudospectral shattering" comes from the desire for the pseudospectrum of a matrix to be separated into n distinct parts, so that every eigenvalue is "stably" separated (conditioning for the eigenvector problem depends on how close eigenvalues are, and the angle between eigenvectors, these two things also roughly govern the shape of the pseudospectra). Once the pseudospectrum is shattered, one can localize eigenvalues within each connected component of the pseudospectrum, and perform a sort of "2d bracketing" using a newton iteration to compute the matrix sign function (shift and bisect using sign function) to get eigenvalues, and then solve a linear system to get eigenvectors.
I believe that there's an issue in vergi's answer above in that the characteristic polynomial approach doesn't quite work (misleading in complexity) because you may need to store many many more bits in precision (as well as in intermediate steps) in order obtain the characteristic polynomial and find roots stably and accurately. There is some discussion in a talk by the authors in this paper about that issue in other eigendecomposition algorithms.