Suppose we're given a graph $G$ and parameters $k,\epsilon$. Are there ranges of values for $k$ (or is it doable for all $k$) for which it is possible to test whether $G$ is $\epsilon$-far from having an independent set of size at least $k$ in time $O(n + \text{poly}(1/\epsilon))$ ?
If we use the usual notion of $\epsilon$-far (i.e at most $\epsilon n^2$ edges would need to be changed in order to obtain such a set), then the problem is trivial for $k = O(n\sqrt{\epsilon})$. So
- It seems that if $k$ is larger, some sampling ideas should work to solve the problem. Is that true ?
- Are there other notions of $\epsilon$-far (i.e maybe $\epsilon |E|$ edges instead) under which there are nontrivial results ?
I'm basically looking for references at this point.