Consider the problem $P \mid \mid \sum w_j C_j$. I want to prove that this problem is (strongly) NP-hard by reducing from $3$-Partition, but I am not really sure how to do this.
Just to be precise, this is the definition of $3$-Part in my notes. Given a set $S = \{a_1, \ldots, a_n\}$ of $n = 3m$ positive integers, does there exist a partition $S_0, \ldots S_{m-1}$ of $S$ such that $|S_i| = 3$ and
$$\sum_{j \in S_i} aj = B := \frac{1}{m} \sum_j a_j$$
So suppose we have an instance of $3$-Part, we construct an instance for $P \mid \mid \sum w_j C_j$ as follows. We have $m$ machines available. For each $a_i$, we have a corresponding job $i$ with $w_i = p_i = a_i$, where $p_i$ is the processing time of job $i$. This is what I have so far, but I am not sure how to proceed.
Suppose I have a yes-instance for $3$-part. How do I distribute the jobs amongst the machines in the most effective way? Is my choice for $w_i$ and $p_i$ correct?