Consider a vector of variables $\vec{x}$, and a set of linear constraints specified by $A\vec{x}\leq b$.
Furthermore, consider two polytopes
$$\begin{align*} P_1&=\{(f_1(\vec{x}), \cdots, f_m(\vec{x}))\mid A\vec{x}\leq b\}\\ P_2&=\{(g_1(\vec{x}), \cdots, g_m(\vec{x}))\mid A\vec{x}\leq b\} \end{align*}$$
where $f$'s and $g$'s are affine mappings. Namely, they are of the form $\vec{c}\cdot \vec{x} +d$. (We note that $P_1$ and $P_2$ are polytopes because they are "affine mappings" of the polytope $A\vec{x}\leq b$.)
The question is, how to decide whether $P_1$ and $P_2$ are equal as sets? What's the complexity?
The motivation of the problem is from sensor networks, but it seems to be a lovely (probably basic?) geometry problem. One can solve this in exptime, possibly by enumerating all the vertices of $P_1$ and $P_2$, but is there a better approach?